Welcome to SIL's LingTranSoft wiki, the companion site of LingTranSoft. Here we focus on equipping you to use those excellent tools for language-based development work. As a community, we can share training materials and benefit from what others have done.

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Using this site

The fastest way to find anything on this site is by using the Search Wiki box

All content on the site is freely available. To participate in the discussion or upload materials, you are invited to register for the site.

Training materials by application

Applications are listed alphabetically, and you can browse through them to find the one you are looking for materials on.

Consultant Training

Here you will find materials used to train consultants and teachers. Often the content is specific to a particular consultant training event.


You may be able to join our Google group discussion list to field your questions and get quick responses.


Here you'll find some links to videos and other resources for language technology consultants

Language Technology Academy

The Language Technology Academy website presents self-paced courses and modules on various topics. The audience for this website is for language technology workers who are looking to develop their basic skills as language technology specialists and consultants-in-training.