Paratext 9.2
Course Manual: (English)
Table of Contents
- 2: OD – Organising your desktop
- 3: PP1 – Project plan and progress
- 4: KD – Keyboarding your draft
- 4.1: Go to a Biblical verse
- 4.2: Check that the project is editable
- 4.3: Changing the view
- 4.4: Typing special characters
- 4.5: Adding text in another marker – title or introduction
- 4.6: Add paragraph breaks
- 4.7: Saving your work
- 4.8: Insert Footnotes
- 4.9: Send/receive
- 4.10: Moving your cursor efficiently
- 4.11: Recall:
- 5: BC1 – Basic checks
- 6: PP2 – Project progress
- 7: PN – Proper Names
- 8: SP – Spell Checking
- 9: GL – Glossary
- 10: BT – A 4-Step process for consistent Biblical Terms
- 10.1: Open the Biblical terms rending window
- 10.2: A: Find all the ways you have rendered this term
- 10.3: B: Identify the best term
- 10.4: C: Reject all the others
- 10.5: D: Document the reason for the change
- 10.6: Add a term – from the source language text
- 10.7: Add a term – from reference text search
- 11: MP – Compare a word or phrase
- 12: BC2 – Basic Checks
- 13: FC – Formatting checks
- 14: PD – Printing Drafts
- 15: UN – Using Notes
Stage 3: Preparing for the Consultant check
- 16: BT1 – Draft a Back Translation
- 16.1: Create a new project for the back translation
- 16.2: Draft your back translation
- 16.3: Mark the chapter as Finished
- 16.4: When a change is made to your project
- 16.5: Check your project plan
- 16.6: Back translation verse check in project plan
- 16.7: Back translation status complete in project plan
- 16.8: Learning task
- 17: BT2 – Interlinearize a project
- 18: CT – Compare Text
- 19: BC3 – Basic checks 3
Stage 5 / Stage 3 UBS: Review by the community
Stage 6 / 4 UBS: Finalising for Publication
- 23: Finalising for Publication
- 24: Finalising for Publication – extra tasks for New Testament
- 25: PP – Compare Parallel Passages
- 25.1: Open the Parallel passages window
- 25.2: Display source texts
- 25.3: Select comparative texts
- 25.4: Filters
- 25.5: Compare the passages
- 25.6: To correct the text
- 25.7: Copying a text
- 25.8: Mark the passage as checked
- 25.9: Passages which have changed
- 25.10: Compare the text as you translate
- 25.11: To see a third passage
Appendix: : Special text
Appendix: : Three letter abbreviations
Appendix: : Common USFM Markers