WeSay – Overview
WeSay helps non-linguists build a dictionary in their own language.
WeSay is customizable and task-oriented.
WeSay uses a standard xml format.
WeSay - Need
Around the world, speakers of lesser known languages are eager to develop their own languages. Part of that development will mean collecting stories for publication and developing a dictionary. In many cases, they are limited to working with limited experience with computers.
WeSay - Solution
Simple and easy to use
Task oriented
Available on hardware appropriate to the environment
Support data sharing
Empower communities to do their word collection
WeSay – Configuration Tool
Different application for setting up a project
Enable and disable tasks
Select language to use for user interface
Set up writing system
WeSay - Program
Can use a comparative word list.
Can use semantic domains
Can have pictures
Can have example sentences
Can do backups
Can export to SFM
Can interface with Lexique Pro