Course Objectives 2021


Language Technology Consultant Training Online 2021



Language Technology Consultant Training Online course.  This will be an Anglo-Lusophone Africa training event.


To develop a base of competent language technology consultants and specialists to resource Bible translation and language development in Africa, by teaching relatively new tools and methods for performing common language software support tasks and by presenting specific problems that occur frequently and discussing their solutions from the combined experience of the group.  The participants will gain tools and skills that will make them more effective as language technology consultants or specialists.


15th -29th March, 2021. Mon-Fri, 10:30am - 12:30pm and 2:00pm-4pm (EAT)


Online - Zoom Webinar


There is a cost subsidy that will be provided by SIL International Language Technology Use department to enable participants with poor internet connectivity to purchase reliable internet service or supplemented speeds. Therefore, OUs will not incur any direct cost for this workshop.


The workshop is focused on ‘Context-Based Training’ through liaising with various experts in language development to learn deeper, practical applications of language technology in the fields of translation, Scripture engagement, literacy, and linguistics. The goal is to equip LT workers to pass on the relevant skills learned to translators, literacy specialists, linguists, and Scripture engagement workers within OUs to enable them effectively accomplish their work in language development.


Language of Instruction:



Each SIL/WMO organizational unit (OU) in Anglo-Lusophone Africa is invited to send at least one participant to the workshop.  Each entity can send as many applications as necessary. The participant should be someone who is available to your entity to provide language technology support at least 33% of their time to translation and language projects.  The participant should be in a position to use their newly acquired skills immediately upon completion of the course.

The participant should be the kind of person that translators and linguists naturally gravitate to when they are looking for help with the computer.

Since this is an online training, more than one person from each OU could join the training. I encourage you to support the person who has been attending LTCT training plus any other person who may be deemed qualified for the LT role so that their skills can be developed and updated.  There are only 20 slots available, though this number may be adjusted. Repeat participants will be given priority.


The participant should already have at least a basic understanding in the following area

  • Working knowledge of the Windows operating system
  • Working knowledge of fonts
  • Working knowledge of a word processor
  • Working knowledge of an e-mail system.
  • Working knowledge of the internet
  • Familiarity with standard format markers (SFM)
  • Familiarity with some of the current language software programs.
  • Familiarity with some of the tasks that translators/linguists do.

The participant will be put on a growth plan for becoming a language technology consultant or specialist for your entity if he/she is not already on one. 


The participant will need to bring his/her own notebook computer to use at the workshop.  The notebook computer must be running Windows 10.  It must be at least an Intel i3 processor running at 2.1 GHz or higher, or an Intel Core Duo processor running at 1.66 GHz or higher.  It must have at least 4GB of RAM.  It must contain an SSD/HDD of 200 GB or higher.  It must have at least two USB ports.  The participant will also need an Android device (smartphone or tablet, with Android version 5 and above) with him/her.  The Android device will need to be able to talk to your PC.


Contributors to this page: David_Oandah .
Page last modified on Tuesday March 30, 2021 09:25:42 GMT-0000 by David_Oandah.


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