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- Paratext_8_3-6_SpecText
<-- Stage 6 4 UBS: Finalizing for Publication |Three letter abbreviations-->
Special text
The following passage often have special formatting (by adding other USFM codes).
- Matt 1.2-16: The genealogy, which is not normal prose. Often set in a special poetic form so the fathers line up and the form indicates this is a special list (with comments).
- Matt 5.3-10: The beatitudes. Often set in poetic form.
- Matt 6.9-13: The Lord's prayer. Often set in poetic form.
- Matt 21.9: The greeting to Jesus. Often set in poetic form.
- Matt 27.37: The sign on the cross. Often set in small caps.
- Matt 27.46: The scream of Jesus. Sometimes marked by \tl and \tl*, the marker for tranliteration (because it is in another language).
- Mark 5.41: The command to the dead girl. Sometimes marked by \tl and \tl*, the marker for tranliteration (because it is in another language).
- Mark 11.9: The greeting to Jesus. Often set in poetic form.
- Mark 14.36: "Abba." Sometimes marked by \tl and \tl*, the marker for tranliteration (because it is in another language).
- Mark 15.26: The sign on the cross. Often set in small caps.
- Mark 15.34: The scream of Jesus. Sometimes marked by \tl and \tl*, the marker for tranliteration (because it is in another language).
- Mark 16.9: A note indicating another ending of Mark. Sometimes separated by a horizontal rule.
- Luke 1.46-55: The song of Mary (or Elizabeth; the Magnificat). Often set in poetic form.
- Luke 1.68-79: The song of Zechariah. Often set in poetic form.
- Luke 2.14: The chant of the angelic choir. Often set in poetic form.
- Luke 2.29-32: The praise of Simeon. Often set in poetic form.
- Luke 3.23-38: The genealogy. Often set in a special poetic form similar to the genealogy in Matthew.
- Luke 6.20-22: The beatitudes (blessings). Often set in poetic form.
- Luke 6.24-26: The beatitudes (woes). Often set in poetic form.
- Luke 11.2-4: The Lord's prayer. Often set in poetic form.
- Luke 19.38: The greeting to Jesus. Often set in poetic form.
- Luke 23.38: The sign on the cross. Often set in small caps.
- John 7.53-8.11: The story of the woman caught in the act. The section head usually occurs prior to verse 53. Sometimes, although rarely, separated by a horizontal rule before and after the text.
- John 12.13: The greeting to Jesus. Often set in poetic form.
- John 17.1-27: The prayer of Jesus. Sometimes, although rarely, set in paragraphs with added indentation from the left margin.
- John 19.19: The sign on the cross. Often set in small caps.
- Acts 15.23-29: The letter. Often set in paragraphs with added indentation from the left margin.
- Acts 23.26-30: The letter to Claudius Lysias. Often set in paragraphs with added indentation from the left margin.
- Rom 8.15: "Abba." Sometimes marked by \tl and \tl*, the marker for tranliteration (because it is in another language).
- Rom 11.33-36: The doxology. Often set in poetic form.
- Rom 16.3-16: The special greetings. Sometimes set in a special poetic form similar to the genealogies.
- Gal 4.6: "Abba." Sometimes marked by \tl and \tl*, the marker for tranliteration (because it is in another language).
- Phil 2.6-11: The attitudes. Sometimes set in poetic form.
- 1 Tim 2.5-6: A creed. Sometimes set in poetic form.
- 1 Tim 3.16: A creed. Often set in poetic form.
- 2 Tim 2.11-13: A creed. Often set in poetic form.
- 1 John 2.12-14: I write to you. Sometimes set in poetic form.
- Rev 1.4-7: The greeting and doxology. Sometimes set as poetry and prose.
- Rev 2-3: The seven letters. Often set in paragraphs with added indentation from the left margin.
- Rev 4.8: A chant. Sometimes set in centered poetic form.
- Rev 4.11: A chant. Often set in poetic form.
- Rev 5.9-10, 12, 13: Songs. Often set in poetic form.
- Rev 7.5-8: A list. Often set in a special poetic form.
- Rev 7.10, 12: Chants. Often set in poetic form.
- Rev 7.15-17: A declaration. Sometimes set in poetic form.
- Rev 11.15, 17-18: Chants. Often set in poetic form.
- Rev 12.10-12: A declaration. Often set in poetic form.
- Rev 15.3-4: A song. Often set in poetic form.
- Rev 16.5-7: A declaration. Often set in poetic form.
- Rev 17.5: A sign. Often set centered, in small caps.
- Rev 18.2-8: A declaration. Often set in poetic form.
- Rev 18.10-24: A series of woes. Often set in poetic form.
- Rev 19.1-8: A series of declarations. Often set in poetic form.
- Rev 19.16: A sign. Often set centered, in small caps.
- Rev 21.19-20: A list. Sometimes, although rarely, set in poetic form[2]
[2] Eppler, D., Goller, T., Wendland, E. R., Culy, M. M., Harold Greenlee, J., & Deibler, E. (July 2008). NOT No. 3 (Vol. 7, Mt 1:2–Re 21:19). SIL International.
<-- Stage 6 4 UBS: Finalizing for Publication |Three letter abbreviations-->