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Session 1: Scripture App Builder

Today’s Topics:

Build a Hymn book app with text-audio sync (Audacity)

Build a Story book app with pictures and text-audio sync (Audacity)

Build a Scripture app with text-audio sync (aeneas)

Build a Scripture app with text-audio synch (HearThis)



  • Participants will use Audacity to label audio files for text-audio synchronization.
  • Participants will build a hymnbook app with text-audio synchronization.



  • Without talking, everyone line up according to birthday month/day. Whoever’s birthday is close to today’s date we will sing to that person and record in Audacity.
  • Each person open Audacity and let’s all record Happy Birthday again.



  • Show what they are going to do in Audacity in creating label files, exporting them and then putting them in SAB.



  • Open Manuals/Scripture-App-Builder-4-Using-Audacity-for-Audio-Text-Synchronization.pdf
  • Work in pairs, reading the manual on one laptop and following the directions on the other.
  • Create a label file for Happy Birthday and build an app with audio-text synchronization.



Contributors to this page: kent_schroeder .
Page last modified on Wednesday May 4, 2016 06:18:19 GMT-0000 by kent_schroeder.