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Purpose (Why):

To be able to assist the linguist/translator in the use of the WeSay computer program. This program was designed with mother tongue translator in mind and for those with limited computer knowledge or abilities.

Learning Objectives (What):

1.      The participants will know how to create and configure a WeSay project.

2.      The participant will know how to build a word list using the SIL Comparative African Word List (SIL CAWL) in WeSay.

3.      The participant will know how to build a word list using Semantic Domains in WeSay.

4.      The participant will know how to build a word list using MLE  4000 Word List in WeSay.

5.      The participant will know how to do collaboration in WeSay.

Learning Tasks (How):



The participants discussed the benefits of WeSay.


The rules of Pig Latin will be presented (PigLatinRules.doc).

The participants will create a new Pig Latin project  using the MLE 4000 word list   (MLE 4000 Wordlist in WeSay.doc).

The participants will create another PigLatin project using the WeSay configuration tool (Create A New Project.doc).

The participants will build a PigLatin wordlist using SIL CAWL and Semantic Domain features of WeSay (Build A Wordlist.doc)


The participants will add to the PigLatin wordlist using the collaboration feature of WeSay (WeSayCollaboration.doc)


Contributors to this page: JamesO , kent_schroeder and sewhite .
Page last modified on Friday September 14, 2018 12:04:24 GMT-0000 by JamesO.