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MLE4000 Wordlist in FLEx

MLE4000 Word List for FLEx

In language development work, it is useful to have a wordlist to work with. One way to create a wordlist using the African Comparative Wordlist which would give about 1700 words.  Another way to create a word list is to use the Rapid Word Collection which would give at least 10,000 words.  The MLE 400 Wordlist would give you at least 4000 words.  It takes about a week or two to complete.  This wordlist has been used to assist in the creation of primers and Multilingual Education (MLE) materials.

The MLE 4000 wordlist is a word list that contains over 5000 entries.  Each entry has a part of speech, English gloss, French gloss, and at least one semantic domain entry.  From these entries you should be able to create a word list of at least 4000 words.

The MLE word list is stored as a LIFT file.  To download the LIFT file of the MLE 4000 wordlist, click here.

To create a FLEx project using the MLE 4000 wordlist, do the following.

1.    Start FLEx. (Language Explorer
2.    On the File menu, click New FieldWorks Project.
In the dialog box, enter project name. Click Next. Then choose a language for the vernacular language. Click Next. Then choose English for analysis system. Click Next. Then set up the writing systems for both languages.  Click Finish.  A new project has been created.
3.    On the Tools menu, point to Configure and click Set up Analysis Writing Systems.
In the dialog box, add French as an Analysis Writing System, if desired. click OK.
4.    On the File menu, point to Import and click LIFT Lexicon.
In the dialog box, click Browse and navigate to and select MLE4000Master-LIFT.lift. Click OK.
To download the LIFT file of the MLE 4000 wordlist, click here
5.    In the Lexicon edit area, configure the columns to the desired fields.

6.    In the Browse area, configure the columns to the desired fields.
7.    Now you are ready to enter words in the Lexicon Edit or Browse areas to match the glosses.

If you do not have a word for the glosses specified, you may skip or delete the entry.

After you have completed the list, feel free to add other entries to supplement the list.



Contributors to this page: kent_schroeder .
Page last modified on Wednesday April 7, 2021 18:27:02 GMT-0000 by kent_schroeder.