
Stage 2 : Team Checking -->

Intro and Stage 1

1: Introduction


1.1: Goal

The participants will process their translation with the help of Paratext 8 , a program created for entering, storing, and checking the translated texts. They will also print drafts for revision. The course will explain the procedures and will also highlight any differences between Paratext 7 et Paratext 8.


1.2: Course Objectives

At the end of the course, the participant will be able to:Start Paratext 8

  • Start the Paratext 8 program using a desktop icon.

Stage 1 : DraftingOpen projects and resources to understand the text before translating

  • Open projects and additional resources, for example an English Bible, a source text, a source text dictionary etc.
  • Organise these windows on the screen and save as a text combination.Enter the translation
  • Effectively use the navigation toolbar to move to the desired book, chapter, and verse.
  • Type the text in an open project with the help of USFM markers such as \c, \v, etc. in an suitable view.
  • Use a keyboarding system (MS-keyboards or Keyman) to type special characters.
  • Add additional markers for section headings, introductions etc.
  • Add footnotes.
  • Draft glossary entries and add using the Biblical terms tool.
  • Use the Send/Receive feature to share and backup their project to the Internet or a USB key.Basic checks
  • Run the chapter/verses check to make sure that all the chapters/verses are present.
  • Run the markers check to make sure all the text has the correct markers.Project progress
  • Update the project plan with any completed tasks.

Stage 2 : Team checkingProper names

  • Transliterate proper names.
  • Check that proper names are consistent.Biblical terms consistent
  • Use the Biblical terms rendering window and tool to ensure you are consistent in the use of terms.Checks
  • Use Checklists to correct any formatting problems in section breaks and headings, paragraph breaks, layout and indents.
  • Run various checks to make sure all the characters, punctuation, capitalisation and repeated words are valid.
  • (Administrators need to setup the inventories/settings as required).
  • Correct any spelling mistakes using the spell checking function and/or checks from the Wordlist.Using notes
  • Add project notes as needed to communicate with other team members and/or consultants.
  • Add project, Spelling and Biblical term notes to discuss various issues and record the decisions made.Print draft
  • Produce and print PDF file for reviewers.

Introductions, setupIntroduce yourself
The participant and facilitators should introduce themselves giving:

  • their name
  • their language
  • their town
  • what was the first and last (most recent) version of Paratext that you have used.
5.0 6.0 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 8
1998 2003 2008 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2017

While the facilitators install Paratext 8 on the computers, the participant should read the introductory material and tick (check) the objectives that they feel confident doing in the most recent version of Paratext they have used.For each module

  • Do a revision activity of the previous module.
  • Present the introduction (read, sketch, PowerPoint, etc.)
  • If a skill is quite simple, ask a participant to come and demonstrate the skill.
  • Follow the summary for the other skills:
  • Demonstration
  • Do it together
  • Let the participants redo it themselves
  • Ask a participant to demonstrate the skill.
  • Ask questions.
  • Do a revision activity.
  • Give the participant time to reflect, fill in the recall exercise, add to Anki.

Stage 1 : Drafting
There are several stages in a translation project. In this first stage you will use many of the resources to ensure that you understand the source text, then you will draft and keyboard the text of the translation along with other materials and also begin the preliminary checks.
The following modules will help you in this stage :

  • OB: Organising your desktop
  • PP1: Project plan — the next task
  • KD: Keyboarding your draft
  • GL: Adding glossary items
  • BC1: Basic checks — chapter/verse and markers.
  • PP2 : Project plan — complete a task

2: OD: Organising your desktop

As you work with your text in Paratext 8 you will want to see a variety of resources. In this module, you will learn how to open resources and organise your desktop.Where we are
We are about to type text into an existing project. Before you can do this, someone must have already installed the program, created a project for your data and installed resources for you.Why this is important
The translator who organises his/her desktop well has all the resources necessary for his/her work.What are you going to do?
You will start the Paratext 8 program and open a previously saved text combination. If needed you will open other resources, change the arrangement of the windows and resave the text combination.


2.1: Load the Paratext 8 program


  • Double-click on Paratext 8 icon on the desktop OR
  • (From the Start menu, choose Paratext 8 )


2.2: Open a saved text combination

  • Click on the Window menu
  • Choose a saved text combination.

Your screen should look like the picture below (if not, see the following page).


2.3: Create a new text combination

If you haven’t already saved a text combination, then we recommend you do the following:

2.3.1: Open and arrange the windows

  • Window > Unstacked
  • Open the 5 windows as follows:
  • 5 =your project

(File > Open project/resource

  • 1 = Renderings

(File > Open Biblical Terms renderings)

  • 2 = Source text

(File > Open Source language text)

  • 3 = Dictionary

(File > Open source language dictionary)

4= Text collection
(File > Open project/resource in Text Collection)

  • Arrange the windows as desired.

2.3.2: Save the text combination

Once the windows are arranged as desired:

  • Window > Saved text combination
  • Type a name

or to replace an existing combination, choose the existing name

  • Click OK


2.4: Delete a text combination

If you want to delete a saved combination,

  • Window – Delete text combination
  • Choose the name of the saved combination.
  • Click Delete


2.5: Open resources in a Text collection

With Paratext, it is possible to have several project/resources open at the same time. However, rather than having too many windows, it is better to have severals text in one window.
  • File > Open Project/Resource in Text collection


  • Click on a resource (at the left).
  • Click the right arrow.
  • Repeat as necessary.
  • If necessary, change the order using the up/down arrow buttons.
  • Click OK
You can change the text in the second pane by clicking on the blue link of the abbreviation for the text. You can also change the view (preview, unformatted or standard.


2.6: Open a dictionary

You can open a source language dictionary with glosses in other languages.
  • File > Open Source Language Dictionary
  • Choose « A Concise Greek-English Dictionary of the New Testament »
  • View > choose a language (e.g. Français)


2.7: Make a list of verses of a specific term from the source language text

You can have a list of verses for a specific Greek/Hebrew word.
  • Right-click on a lemma (blue word) in the source language text window


  • Choose Add to project biblical terms for
  • Choose your project
  • Edit the gloss if necessary
  • Click OK
  • Change to the Biblical Terms Tool
  • Double-click on the term.


2.8: Recall

  • The translators who their desktops have all the _ they need for their work.
  • You use the menu to save or delete ___ of text.
  • To open windows you use the __ menu.
  • Open Biblical terms equivalents
  • Open Source language text
  • Open Source language dictionary
  • Open Project/resource in collection of texts
  • Open Project/resource
  • You can make a list of verses which have a word from the source language text by clicking _ (right/left) clicking on a in the source language, the choosing _ the your project .

3: PP1 : Project Plan and progress

You use the Project Plan to help organise your work and see which tasks to do next. Once you have finished the task you mark it as completed so that you can report on what has been achieved. If you have used an earlier version of you will see that it has dramatically improved in Paratext 8 .Where are we?
Before you can use the plan it must have been configured.
This is usually done by your project administrator who will add the appropriate organisational plan and configure it for your team.Why is this important?
There are so many tasks to be done in a translation project. It is important to have a system to make sure these are all done. Now that your plan has been configured, you can use the plan to see what tasks have been assigned to you to be done next. Then when you finish the task, you can mark the task as completed and see the next task to do. You can use this information to generate reports for supervisers and donors (see PP2: Project plan reporting).What are we going to do?
You will mark a variety of tasks as complete. The exact steps will vary slightly depending on whether the task is set to once per project, once per book, or by chapter. The place to mark progress for all types of tasks is the Status column.Summary
This module shows you how to:


3.1: Make sure your project is active

  • Click in your project.


3.2: View tasks that need to be done

  • Click "Assignments and Progress" button Image

From the Project menu, select Assignments and progress

  • From the first dropdown menu, choose either My tasks or All tasks

A list of the various tasks and checks are displayed.


3.3: Identify the next task

The list of tasks shows the uncompleted tasks.-

  • Identify the next task for you need to do.
  • Check that it is not waiting for another task.
  • Do the task (see other modules if necessary).


3.4: Mark a task as complete

3.4.1: Mark a book task as completed

  • Click on the checkmark to the left of the status.

It should turn solid to show it is completed.

3.4.2: Mark a chapter task as completed

  • Click + to mark the next chapter as complete


  • To mark other chapters as complete you can click on the word Completed.

A dialog box is displayed with a list of the chapters.

  • Check the chapters that have been completed.
  • **To mark some verses only, click to the right and check the individual verses.


3.5: Checks

  • If the task is a check, the status of the check will either say setup required or it will show number of remaining issues.

A check is complete when there are No issues.

3.5.1: Checks - setup required

  • Click the blue link "Setup required"

Paratext 8 will run the appropriate inventory or open the settings for that check.

  • Complete the setup as appropriate.
  • Close the window when finished.

If there is more than one inventory you will need to set them up manually from the Checking menu.

3.5.2: Checks – issues

  • Click on the blue link “

. issues”

  • Make the necessary corrections.
  • Close the list result.
  • File > Save all (ou Ctrl+s).
  • Return to the Project plan.
  • The check is considered complete with there are 0 issues.

4: KD: Keyboarding your draft

This module explains how to keyboard your draft translations into a project which has already been created in Paratext 8.Where we are
We are about to keyboard text into an existing project. Before you can do that, someone must have already installed the program and created a project for your data.Why this is important
This is the first stage of putting your translation into the computer. Once the text has been typed, you can run various checks on the content and format of the text.


4.1: Load the Paratext 8 program


4.2: Go to a Biblical verse

Before you can start typing your text, you need to move your cursor to the right book, chapter and verse. You use the toolbar to do this.
  • Using the icons on the toolbar, change the project, book, chapter and verse as needed.



4.3: Check that the project is editable

Look at the titlebar of your project.
The titlebar should either have your name or the word (Editable).

  • If your project is shared and your name is not on the titlebar, you should talk with your project administrator.
  • If it is not editable, try changing the view (see below).


4.4: Changing the view

Paratext 8 has five views. All but the Preview view are editable.

  • Ctrl + E -or-
  • From the View menu, choose the view (usually Standard).


4.5: Typing special characters

Some orthographic characters are not found on the keyboard. To type these characters you need to press more than one key.
  • Change your keyboard system as needed on your computer.
  • If you are using Keyman then choose Tchad Unicode

(or for MS-Keyboards choose TR or SQ/TZ/AF

  • Type the keys as in the table in .

Note : You can use View > Highlight Invalid Characters to highlight invalide characters.


4.6: Adding text in another marker - title or introduction

Each piece of text needs to have a marker. The markers for the chapters and verses are already in your project. When you want to add text such as headings, or introductions etc you need to also add the appropriate marker as follows:

  • Move your cursor to the end of the previous paragraph :
  • Type Enter ou type « \ »
  • Type the marker (e.g. s1 or ip) « Enter » (or select it from the list).
  • Type the text
  • Add a paragraph marker after the text

(for example : \p)

You must always have a USFM marker after a title and before the verse. This is usually \p (paragraph), but it can be different (for example \q1).


4.7: Add paragraph breaks

Dividing the text into paragraphs:
  • do we need to say move the cursor to where you want to split it?
  • Press « Enter »
  • Type p « Enter »


4.8: Saving your work

It is important to save your work regularly.
  • File > Save All –or- Ctrl + S


4.9: Insert Footnotes

You can add footnotes in the text at the place where you want the reference to appear.
  • Insert > Footnote
  • A set of footnote markers is added in the box below the text


Type the text after the \ft

If you hover your mouse over the superscript letter the text of the footnote will be displayed in a tip box.

To change the footnote, click the superscript letter in the text. To delete the footnote you can delete the superscript letter.


4.10: Send/receive to a USB stick to backup your data

It is essential to have a second copy of your translation. This is done by doing a send/receive as follows:

If used, insert your USB key into your computer.

  • Click the Send/Receive icon Image


  • File > Send/Receive project(s)
  • Choose either Internet Server or USB drive (as desired)
  • Click Send/Receive.

The computer will make a copy of your files. A progress meter will be displayed. A message box will only appear if there are any problems.


4.11: Moving your cursor efficiently

A lot of time is spent moving your cursor to the place where you need to add text or make corrections. Here are some useful keystrokes to move your cursor quickly.
  • The arrow keys, ← ↑ → ↓

Home, End, PgUp, et PgDn,
F8 (chapter), F9 (book)

  • or Ctrl + any of those keys


4.12: Recall :

If the titlebar doesn’t say (Editable), you should try changing the __.
To add a different marker (such as section heading) you press ___.
To add paragraph marker you type .
To insert a footnote, you use the _ menu and choose .
To send/receive, you use the menu then .
Answers : view, enter, enter, Insert, Footnote, File, Send/receive

5: GL: Glossary

This module explains how to add entries to the glossary using the Biblical terms tool.Where we are
You have drafted and entered your text in Paratext 8. Now you will draft and enter some glossary entries to explain some terms.Why this is important
It is good to have a list of important words and their explanations so that the readers can understand the text well. Rather than typing directly into the glossary, it is better to use the Biblical terms tool as it keeps the Glossary in alphabetical order. The tool also keeps track of the changes to the glossary.What you are going to do
You will use the Biblical terms tool to add a rendering for the term and then use the glossary tab to enter the citation form and the definition.
This module shows you how to:


5.1: Add an entry

  • Move to a verse which contains the term you want to add to the glossary.
  • Right-click and choose "View Biblical Terms", then "Current Verset(s)"
  • Check that you have the correct list open (p.ex. NT Key Biblical Terms SIL)
  • Double-click on the term in the list in the top pane
  • Click the "Glossary" tab


  • Type the citation form of the term 1
  • Type the Definition 2
  • Click OK 

The word and the definition will be added to the glossary in alphabetical order.


5.2: Link an existing entry

If the word is already in the glossary, you can link a term to the existing entry.
  • Check that you have the correct list (ex. NT Key Biblical terms SIL)
  • Double-click on the word in the list in the top pane
  • Click the "Glossary" tab
  • Click the down arrow near the citation form 1
  • Choose the entry from the glossary
  • Click OK


5.3: View the glossary

In Paratext

  • Use the navigation bar to change the book


  • Choose the GLO book


5.4: Edit an entry – in the GLO book

In Paratext

  • Open the GLO book
  • Edit the text as normal.


5.5: Edit an entry – in the Biblical Terms

  • Tools > Biblical terms...
  • Double-click on the word in the list in the top pane.
  • Click the "Glossary" tab
  • Edit la définition
  • Click OK.


5.6: Add a Biblical Term

  • see page 61***


5.7: Recall

  • You open the Biblical Terms tool from the menu.
  • The « glossary » tab is on the dialogue. To open this dialogue you -click on the term in the _ pane.
  • To view the glossary, you change to the _ book (after Revelation).

Answers: Tools, Edit Rendering, double-click, top, GLO

6: BC1: Basic checks

In this module, you will check the chapters/verses and the markers using two methods: the Project plan and the Checking menu.Where we are
You have typed your text in Paratext. Now you want to start checking. In this module we start with the first two basic checks.Why this is important
These checks allow you to be sure that you have all the chapters and verses and that the other markers are correct. Doing these checks allows you to complete the Drafting stage. It is important to run the chapter/verse check first because all the other checks depend on it.What you are going to do
You are going to run the first two basic checks using two different methods.The easiest way is to run the checks from the project plan. However, you can also do the checks from the checking menu if you need to check more than one book at a time.


6.1: Running checks from the project plan

This module shows you how to:


6.2: Running checks from the project plan

It is easier to run the checks from the project plan.

  • View the project plan by clicking on the icon

(at the top right of your project window).Image

  • If there are any "issues" (errors), click the blue link to the right

A windows appears with a list of the errors.

  • Double-click a line in the list.
  • Correct the error in your project.
  • Double-click the next line in the list.
  • Continue for all the errors.
  • Click "Rerun" button to check that all the errors have been corrected.
  • Close the results list window.
  • Continue with the markers check.


6.3: Running the checks from the menus

If you want to check more than one book at a time, you can run the checks from the checking menu.


6.4: « Chapter/ Verse »

  • Click in your project window
  • Checking > Run basic checks
  • Check only Chapter/verse numbers
  • Uncheck any other checks
  • Click the button beside Choose Books
  • If necessary, click Choose

and choose the book you want to check

  • Click OK

A windows appears with a list of the errors.

  • Double-click a line in the list.
  • Correct the error in your project.
  • Double-click the next line in the list.
  • Continue for all the errors.
  • Click "Rerun" button to check that all the errors have been corrected.
  • Close the results list window.


6.5: Markers check

  • Checking > Markers Inventory

The list shows an overview of the markers in your text.

  • Close the marker inventory.
  • Checking > Run Basic Checks
  • Check the Markers
  • Click OK
  • Correct any errors.

7: PP2: Project progress

In this module, you will learn how to update your progress and create a progress report.Where we are
You have been working on your translation and have finished a task. You now want to update your progress.Why this is important
For the project plan to work well, you need to mark the tasks you have finished. This allows Paratext 8 to make the next task available for the other team members. Creating a progress reports helps you prepare a report for your supervisors and funders.What you are going to do
You will open the assignments and progress window and update the progress made. You will then produce a report.Summary
This module shows you how to:


7.1: How to make sure the progress of the plan is up to date

  • Open the project plan (using the button)
  • Update the progress on any task (see PP1 for instructions on each type of task).


7.2: Change an assignment

Image This can only be done by a project administrator.
  • From the Project menu, select Assignments and Progress....
  • From the first drop-down list at the top left of the dialog, select All Tasks.
  • In the "Assigned to" column, use the drop-down list to choose who will have responsibility for the task or check (listed in the "Task/Check" column at the far left).


7.3: Produce a progress report

  • From the Tools menu, select Project Health Report....
  • Choose the project(s) to report
  • Click OK.

The report will contain a column for each project you selected.


7.4: View team progress charts

  • From the Project menu, select View team progress charts....
  • Use the first dropdown box to choose the type of chart
  • Choose the books as necessary.

Stage 2 : Team Checking -->

Contributors to this page: matthew_lee .
Page last modified on Monday April 17, 2017 22:28:17 GMT-0000 by matthew_lee.


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