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3 Add a Leveled Reader to a Collection


A reader is a book that is used for reading exercises.

A level is a rating. It reflects the difficulty to do a task, Here the task is to read.

A Leveled Reader is a book that is written to a particular level of difficulty.

In Bloom, the Leveled Reader Tool helps you to write a book for a desired level of difficulty.  Bloom has default six levels. You can use them or change them.

This module will help you become familiar with the default levels. The Help documentation that  is installed with Bloom help you learn how to make changes to these levels.


You have completed module 1 and 2. So you are familiar with the steps to add a book to a collection.

Add a Leveled Reader to a Collection

When Bloom is first opened, you see only the Image002 Collections tab. Look in the lower left pane  in the Bloom window. There you see Sources for New Books. Below it, you see TemplatesSample Shells and Books From BloomLibrary.org.

To make a leveled reader, we need to use the Leveled Reader template.

1) Click the Leveled Reader template. It looks like this: Image003

The template appears in the right pane.

2) Click the Image004  Make a book using the source button.

Bloom makes a book from the template. It opens to the Front Cover page.

You can insert a picture and type words on the Front Cover page. This page and the other  pages are the same as for a Basic Book. (Module _).

However, notice that there is a new pane on the right side. It is the Leveled Reader Tool.


The top control ( Image006 ) shows the current level that this book is set to use, and  the total number of levels that have been set up for use.

The Word counts area shows the maximum number of words permitted for the level and the  actual number of words. These number change as you type words and change colors when a  number in the Actual column becomes larger that the number in the Max column.

The Set up Levels link opens a dialog box where you can make changes to the levels. Refer to the Help documentation to learn more.

Keep in mind are links that open a document which give more information about levels.

3) Click the Basic Text & Picture template.

Insert a picture there, using the same steps as you did on the Front Cover page.

4) Click the text box that is below the picture.

For this exercise, let’s keep the level set to Level 1. What that means is each sentence can have no more than two words. For example, suppose you inserted a picture of a cat, you  could type “A cat.”

5) Type a two-word sentence that describes the picture you chose.

Notice that the word counts updated to show the number of words you typed. Here is an example:


Type another word or two in the same text box so that there are too many words.

Notice that various things appeared to warn you that you have too many words. Here is an example:


  • The yellow border around the boxes warns you that there are too many words on the page.
  • The sentence has a yellow background color. If you hold your mouse pointer over the sentence, a box appears with an explanation.
  • Number in the Actual column turned yellow if they are more than their Max value.

In this example, you need to edit the sentence back to two words “A cat.” 

Now you have a simple leveled reader.

Another module will discuss how to publish your book.

6) If you want to edit your reader or change a picture, simply click the Edit tab ( Image009 ). 

Then find the page in the Pages pane that you want to change. Click that page and make the edits.

7) If you are curious, you can click the Set up Levels link. The Set up Leveled Reader Tool dialog box opens. The Help button open a Help topic about this dialog box.

Contributors to this page: dhigby .
Page last modified on Monday October 20, 2014 15:39:55 GMT-0000 by dhigby.