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Upgrading to Paratext 8

So you're upgrading to Paratext 8. We've prepared some video instructions to help you get set up and using Paratext 8.

What's New in 8?

If you aren't familar with what is new in Paratext 8, you can take some time to watch this video.  It is 18 minutes long and gives a good overview of some of the new features that you will encounter in 8.  If you don't have the time, you can skip ahead to the next video and come back to this at another time.

User Registration

Paratext 8 requires a new registration process. You can do most of it on your own. Here is how.

Project Migration

Your Paratext 7 data needs to be migrated from Paratext 7 to 8. This is a one way process that requires the whole team to do the migration at the same time. The video explains about project registration (new in 8) and how to migrate your data. Please note that this process needs to be done by an administrator in the project. 

The Project Plan

Paratext can now help manage the many tasks involved in translating Scriptures, giving a Todo list for each team member. Although using the plan is not a requirement, it is a good idea to take advantage of the new version by setting up a Project plan after migrating the data and customizing it for the needs of the team. Here is an introduction to the project plan.

Contributors to this page: Robert Clementz , dhigby and sewhite .
Page last modified on Thursday May 4, 2017 18:36:54 GMT-0000 by Robert Clementz.