If you imported the SILCAWL.lift that was posted prior to January 26, 2022, you may have problems with using certain LIFT processes.
The reason for the problem is that SILCAWL.lift contained sense ids of the old format: gloss_idnumber. Contemporary LIFT processes do not support this old format.
When a LIFT file is exported from FieldWorks 9.0 or greater, it uses the information in the LIFTResidue element, creating senses with ids of the old gloss_idnumber format. This old format causes problems.
If you have fwdata with old LIFTResidue elements and you are running into issues in LIFT related processes, you can remove the <LIFTResidue> elements from your fwdata file using Notepad++ and regular expression search and replace. MAKE A BACKUP OF YOUR FIELDWORKS PROJECT FIRST!
Use this expression in the Search and replace and it will get rid of all the LIFTResidue elements. Note that I have seen projects that have <LIFTResidue> and others with <LiftResidue> (lowercase on LIFT). So make changes as needed. Note that are replacing with nothing.
Find: <LIFTResidue>.*?</LIFTResidue>\r\n
In the Search and Replace dialog, be sure to turn on regular expressions, and . matches newline.
(The ? means that the regular expression is "not greedy". Without it, the Search will match against the very first <LIFTResidue> and everything in-between to the very last </LIFTResidue>)
If you imported the SILCAWL.lift that was posted prior to January 26, 2022, you may have problems with using certain LIFT processes.
The reason for the problem is that SILCAWL.lift contained sense ids of the old format: gloss_idnumber. Contemporary LIFT processes do not support this old format.
When this gets imported into FieldWorks 9.0.x or greater, FieldWorks creates a <LIFTResidue> element that contains this id in the fwdata file.<sense id="decorate_00126bca-a7c7-48c5-919c-e45db40ae6bf">
<grammatical-info value="Verb"></grammatical-info>
<rt class="LexSense" guid="00126bca-a7c7-48c5-919c-e45db40ae6bf" ownerguid="1354e30c-b8f8-46fe-9bf8-639835282fe6">
<AUni ws="en">decorate</AUni>
<AUni ws="fr">décorer</AUni>
<AUni ws="ha-x-cl">ado</AUni>
<AUni ws="swh">=pamba</AUni>
<Uni><lift-residue id="decorate_00126bca-a7c7-48c5-919c-e45db40ae6bf" dateCreated="2022-01-26T17:59:31Z" dateModified="2022-01-26T17:59:31Z"></lift-residue></Uni>
</LiftResidue>When a LIFT file is exported from FieldWorks 9.0 or greater, it uses the information in the LIFTResidue element, creating senses with ids of the old gloss_idnumber format. This old format causes problems.
In the Search and Replace dialog, be sure to turn on regular expressions, and . matches newline.
(The ? means that the regular expression is "not greedy". Without it, the Search will match against the very first <LIFTResidue> and everything in-between to the very last </LIFTResidue>)(The \r\n matches a paragraph return).