
Flex 3 Session Seven


The following lexicon features will be covered in this session. We will use the Simple A project.

  • Using Parser.
  • Using Concordance
  • Custom Fields
    • On the File menu, click Open.

The Open Project dialog box appears

  • In the Choose a Project box, select Simple.


Using the Parser

  • Open Simple project.
  • Insert a new entry: play - game - verb.
  • Go to the Interlinear Texts view of the Texts and Words area. In the Insert menu, click Text. Then click Baseline tab.

Type he kicks kicked on one line.

In Parse menu, click Parse Words in Text.

Click Analyze tab. Update screen.

  • Click Baseline tab. Type she plays and played on a second line.

In Parse menu, click Parse Words in Text.

Click Analyze tab. Update screen.

  • Click Baseline tab. Type he walks or walked on a third line.

In Parse menu, click Parse Words in Text.

Click Analyze tab. Update screen.

Have participants analysis cats and dogs.

  • In the Parse menu, Click Try a word.

In the Word to try box, type breaks.

Then try rings.

Have the participants try the following words: thinks and ducked.

  • Go to Word Analyses view. Select bank.

All the words in the text are listed here. There is a column showing number of occurrences for each word in text.

  • To display other columns, in the Tools menu, point to Configure and click Columns.
  • The Wordform Analysis panel is useful for reviewing analysis. Here we have one approved analysis and one suggested analysis by the parser (candidate).

To approve the candidate, Go to context menu for User Approved and click Add approved analysis.

It is moved up to the approved analysis section.


Word Analysis

  • The Wordform Analysis panel is useful for reviewing analysis. Here we have one approved analysis and one suggested analysis by the parser (candidate).

To approve the candidate, Go to context menu for User Approved and click Add approved analysis.

It is moved up to the approved analysis section

  • Go to Interlinear Texts view. Copy contents of BankAnalysis.txt to Baseline in text section.
  • Go to Word Analyses view. Select bank. In Wordform Analysis panel, click Assign Analysis.

The Analysis Usage dialog box appears. Now you can choose the appropriate analysis to the unanalyzed text.

  • Deselect Ref 2:1 and 2:3. Select Analysis 1 and click Assign.
  • Select Ref 2:1 and 2:3. Select Analysis 2 and click Assign.
  • Click Close.

Some suggested analyses may not be right.

  • Add a new entry: play - theater show - noun.
  • Go to Word Analysis view. In the Parser menu, click Try a word. select plays.
  • In the Word Analysis view, select walks. There is one analysis that is not correct.
  • Go to Category Edit view in Grammar area. Then select Verb.
  • On the Insert menu, click Affix Template.
  • In the Template Name field, type Basic Verb. In the content sensitive menu of STEM, select Insert slot after stem. Then select Add an optional slot after Verb.
  • Type Tense in Name slot. In the content sensitive menu, select Add inflectional affixes.

In the Choose Inflectional Affixes, select the appropriate entries.

  • Go the Word Analyses view of the Text & Words area. In the Parser menu, click Parse Current Word.
  • Check plays again.


Concordance (needs development)

  • Select Concordance view of Text & Words area. In the For the text box, type bank. Then click Search.

Note what happens.

  • Right click on bank2. Point to Show Concordance of and click Entry.

Note what happens.

  • Select Word List Concordance view. Go to the entry.

Note count and browse through the list.



  • Select Grammar Sketch view of Grammar area. Click Generate.


More Parser

  • Open Sena 3 project.
  • Go to the Word Analysis view of the Texts and Words area.
  • In the Parser menu, and click Parse all words.
  • Go to antawira entry.
  • In the context of Analysis Candidate field, point to User Opinion and select Approve.
  • In the context menu of User Approved field, select Add approved analysis.
  • Go to ipi entry.

Two analysis appear. Choose one and reject the other.

Have the participants check iwe and approve and assign it.

  • To configure columns, do the following. In Tools menu, point to Configure and select Columns.

Important! If the parser is over-productive, express more grammar rules… (including environments.) Refer to the parser doc.



This feature is for finding patterns in text.

  • Open Sena 3 project.
  • Go to the Concordance view of the Texts and Words area.

In the Full Context pane, select Baseline tab.

Use the Specify Concordance Criteria dialog box.

  • In the Insert in the line box, select Baseline. In the Writing System box, select Sena. In the For the text box, type mbw. Click Search.
  • In the For the text box, type mbwenye. Click Search.
  • In the For the text box, type yezu. Click Search.
  • In the Insert in the line box, select Morphemes. In the For the text box, type mbwenye. Click Search. Select Analyze tab.

There is only one match! (analysed)

  • In the Insert in the line box, select Morphemes. In the For the text box, type a. Set Whole item. Click Search.
  • In analyzed box, right-click -a2. Point to Show concordance of and click Morph.
  • In analyzed box, right-click -a2. Click Show entry in lexicon.
  • Select Word list concordance view.

Have the participants try the following morpheme ku.


Custom Fields

  • Go to Lexicon Area. In the Tools menu, point to Configure and click Custom Fields.

The Custom Fields dialog box appears.

Explain name, location, and writing system.

  • Add Borrow from field.

First Analysis writing system

Language this word originates from

  • Go to baba entry. Enter Swahili in Borrow from field.


Contributors to this page: sewhite .
Page last modified on Tuesday July 16, 2013 14:39:47 GMT-0000 by sewhite.


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