
Temporary new project

Although use of the Paratext command"s "Backup to file" and "Restore to file" are not usually recommended for a shared project using send/receive; this case where your local repository is corrupt and you have made changes you have not been able to send to others, is an exception. Typesetters: if you have done work on a project in Indesign, see the bottom of this article:

Before deleting your project to retrieve a new copy from the server, you can save a copy of your latest changes in a new temporary project by following these steps.


1. Make a backup to file of your current project:

Paratext 9: Paratext menu > Advanced > Backup project to file
Paratext 8: File > Backup Project to File

2. Do a restore from file to create a temporary new project. 

Paratext 9: Paratext menu > Advanced > Restore project from file
Paratext 8: File > Restore project from file

3. Select the zip file you made in step 1. (Don't worry about the warning that this is a shared projet).
    Before clicking "Restore" click the "New Project" button at the top right. Edit the name if you wish to something similar (not identical) to your         existing project

4. Restore to the new project. This temporary new project has all your latest changes.

5. Now delete your existing project and do a send/receive to get a new copy of it from the server. 

Now you can look at the temporary project and your restored copy of the shared project side by side and see what needs to be added into the shared project. If you made notes in the project since the last send/receive you did, you can update the shared project by closing Paratext, then copying your notes file from the temporary project folder to the shared projects folder. Your notes file will be named notes_your name.xml. 

For typesetters: If you have done Indesign work on a project, and the repository becomes corrupt, making a backup to file in Paratext does not save your Indesign work. Follow these steps to archive your Indesign work.

  1. Close Paratext if it is open. drag your project folder to a different location on the computer, for example your desktop.
  2. Open Paratext, do a send/receive to get a new copy from the server.
  3. Copy the InDesign and local folder from the project folder you moved to a different location into the project folder created in step 2. 
  4. To evaluate whether there are difference in the text between your newly retrieved project and the project you had been working on:
    1. Create a new project in Paratext
    2. Import the book files from your relocated project folder into this temporary new project
    3. Examine this project side by side with the newly retrieved project. You can use Compare Versions for this, open it in one project and select the other project in the right hand pane. 
    4. To copy over changes from your relocated project into the shared project, you can use copy/paste, or import the books from your relocated project into the shared project if the relocated project has the best version of the entire book.

Contributors to this page: sewhite and james_post .
Page last modified on Friday April 22, 2022 20:50:31 GMT-0000 by sewhite.


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