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Course program 2017

Course Program


Return to Africa Nairobi 2017


Monday, March 27




Note: LO = Learning Objective


Session 1: Introduction and Overview




Course Overview

Discussion Questions


Session 2: Language Software Review

LO:  The participant will know which language softwares to use with which  language development task

Language Software Review PowerPoint


Session 3: Growth Plan

LO: The participants will update their existing growth plans (or receive an appropriate new growth plan). 

Growth Plan PowerPoint


Session 4: Paratext 8: Installation and registration

LO: To install Paraext 8

LO: To know how to register a user and an project

Installation and registration


Session 5: Paratext 8: Migration

LO:  To know the steps for successful migration



Tuesday, March 28




Session 1-3: Paratext 8: Project plan

LO: Apply a standard organisational plan to a project.LO: Customize the plan by renaming, adding, deleting and defining tasks.LO: Assign tasks to various team members.

LO: Mark individual tasks as completed for a variety of types of tasks.

LO: Update the progress of an existing project, (i.e. mark complete stages as finished).

Setup Project Plan

Session 4-5: Paratext 8: Biblical terms

LO: To know a practical process for Biblical terms
Biblical Terms

Wednesday, March 29




Session 1: Paratext 8: Configuration and Resources

LO:  Create a new project and configure it

LO:  Install Resources from DBL

LO:  Use the converting a project tool

Creating a Project

Installing Resources

Converting a Project

Session 2-3: Paratext 8: Notes

Project and Consultant Notes

Session 4-5: Scripture App Builder

LO: Install Scripture App Builder and dependant software.

LO: Create a scripture app (text only).

LO:  Build apps with additional features (splash screens, expiry, etc.)

Scripture App Builder 2017 Scripture App Builder 2017.pptx

SAB Learning Tasks SAB Learning tasks.docx


Thursday, March 30




Session 1: Paratext 8 Parallel Passages / Basic Checks


  • Use the Parallel passages tool to compare and contrast parallel texts
  • Interpret the green shading in the texts and yellow shading in source texts
  • Edit the text to make any necessary corrections
    • Ensure that what is the same in the source is the same
    • What is different in the source is different in your text
  • Keep track of the passages that have been already been checked
  • Identify any changes that have been made after marking a parallel text as checked

Comparing & Contrasting Parallel Texts Comparing & Contrasting parallel texts.pptx 

ParallelPassages EHandout ParallelPassages eHandout.docs 


LO: Run basic checks on individual books from the project plan.

LO: Run basic checks on multiple books from the menus 

Basic checks spans several chapters of the Paratext 8 training manuals: including setup, and BC1, BC2, BC3


Session 2-3: Paratext 8: Word List

ParaTExt Spell Checking


Session 4-5: Paratext 8 Modules / Cross reference tool

LO: Create a Bible module from a supplied Bible module definition

LO: Export a Bible module

LO: Insert cross references (using a supplied XRF file)

LO: Extract cross references from a model text

Paratext 8 Bible Modules - handout

Paratext 8 Bible Modules - powerpoint


Friday, March 31




Session 1:  Dictionary App Builder

LO:  The participant will install the app.

LO:  The participant will build a dictionary app

Discuss what are the advantages of having a dictionary on an Android device

Demo the Ga dictionary app

Install Dictionary App Builder

Demo building an Kasem Dictionary App

The participants create a Kasem Dictionary App.

The participants install and run the app on their Android device

The participants build a dictionary app for Kamba or any other language and install it on their Android device on their own.


Session 2-3: Reading App Builder

LO: The participant will install Reading App Builder.

LO: The participant will create an app from a Word document.

LO: The participant will distribute an app to Android  device.

Demo an Reading App on an Android device.

Install Reading App Builder.

Demo building a single story app .

The participants create a single a one story app.

The participants create a multi-story app with contents menu with the instructor.

The participants create another multi-story app with contents menu and install it on their Android device on their own.


Session 4-5:  Scripture App Builder

LO: Build a scripture app with synchronised audio.

LO: Project: Build an app for a language from your branch.

see earlier session (Wednesday March 29) above for materials


Saturday, April 1

Session 1:  Teaching a Workshop

LO: The participants will know to plan a LT workshop

LO: The participants will plan one LT workshop using the workshop planning form

First have each participant from LTCT2016 share their experience from the workshop that they planned at LTCT2016.

Have a discussion on what are the basic element needed for planning a workshop and the ingredients required for a successful workshop.  Use WorkshopPlanningNotes.odt as a guideline.

Explain the workshop planning form.

Have each participant plan a workshop for the coming year using the workshop form.

Have each participant will turn in their filled-out form to the instructor.


Session 2: Regular Expressions


Paratext 8 Tools RegEx Pal 


Session 3: Problem Solving

LO: The participants will work towards solving many real-life problems.

Problem Solving


Monday, April 3




Session 1: Bloom (Frans)

LO: The participants will know how to create a basic book and publish it


Session 2: Bloom (Okumu)

LO: The participants will know to create a shell book


Session 3: Bloom (Benedict)

LO: The participants will know to create a bilingual book


Session 4: Bloom (Musie)

LO: The particiopants will know how to create a decodeable reader


Session 5:  Bloom (Alex)

LO: The participants will know how to create to a big book


Tuesday, April 4




Session 1: Bloom (Rauf)

LO: The participants will know how to create a leveled reader


Session 2: Bloom (James)

LO:  The participants will how to download and upload books to the Bloom library


Session 3: Bloom (Chawa)

LO: The participants will create custom pages in a book.


Session 4: Bloom (Kent)

LO:  The participants will know how to create a talking book.

Bloom - Talking Books

Session 5: Software Snapshots

LO: Awareness of the updates to some language software applications. Keyman, MLE word list, WeSay and FLEx.

Quick update on status of Keyman

MLE  4000 Word List

  • Using the word list in an excel spreadsheet
  • Using the word list using WeSay
  • Using the word list using FLEx

WeSay - how to do audio in WeSay

FLEx - Changes in version 8.3

Wednesday, April 5




Session 1: Software Snapshots

LO: Awareness of the updates to several language software applications. HearThis, Adapt It, Webonary, Pathway.

Glyssen EN

Software Snapshots 2

Session 2: Regular Expresssion

LO: Perform regular expression searches from other areas in Paratext 

LO: Add cards to the Regular Expressions Anki deck for future learning of regular expressions.

see previous session for documents

Anki decks:RegEx LTCT Paratext

Session 3: Problem Solving

Problem Solving

Session 4: Open Forum


Session 5: Debrief, Evaluation and Closing



LTCT 2017 presentation

Thanks to participants

Thanks to staff





Contributors to this page: kent_schroeder and Jenni Beadle .
Page last modified on Thursday April 20, 2017 15:48:05 GMT-0000 by kent_schroeder.