
APM Training Outline

This plan was initially developed by Greg Trihus and Nathan Payne and adapted to an Audio Project Manager (APM) training in Uganda by David (Presenter) and Edgar (Teaching Assistant). Please substitute the names and modify this plan to suit your training situation.

  1. Getting started (30 min)
    • Welcome/Logistics
    • Goals - Presenter
      • Everyone takes a passage through a practice project workflow
      • Everyone creates a team with a couple of other people. Follow the workflow and take a passage through it.
  2. Experience - Presenter
    • Project experience
    • What languages do you speak?
    • Software (Render, avtt, OSE, audacity, word, sil transcriber)
    • If this training event succeeds, what does that look like for you?
    • How are you planning to use this training? Future workshops?
    • Who has watched the 30-minute demo? 
    • Burning questions.
  3. Website Vs. Desktop app (we demo) - Presenter
    • Finding the website: audioprojectmanager.org
    • Starting, Getting help, reporting problems
    • Have everyone downloaded the desktop version? Or is the browser better?
    • Desktop app recommended for this project
  4. Connectivity (we explain) - Presenter
    • Web app
    • Desktop app: online, occasionally connected, working alone
  5. Accounts (participants do) - Presenter
    • Who needs an account, and who doesn’t
    • Inviting people to a project
    • Paratext accounts
    • Two-factor authentication
  6. Setup (25 min)
    • (Presenter: Create a new team and project and add all participants. Then, work through the outline of 2-6, sometimes simply explaining, sometimes demoing, demoing, and having the participants do it. 2-6 are marked for this. Step 7 is for the actual project.

    • Team Setup (we demo and add them to practice project) - Presenter does, Teaching Assistant floats

    • Workflow setup - Presenter explains and demo

    • Peer Groups - Presenter explain

    • Splitting the translation team into groups

    • Identifying mentors and CITs.

    • Clusters are handled as separate teams.

    • Project Setup - Presenter demo (make it for Luganda)

      • Scripture vs. not scripture
      • Flat vs. hierarchical
      • Settings: right-to-left, customizing sections
    • Plan - Teaching Assistantexplains pasting in the spreadsheet and demos, adding/editing sections and passages. 

    • Plan: Add, Edit, Delete, Actions, Workflow step

    • Coming: Filtering

    • Participants open the newly created project, and each adds a new section and passage along with a title, book, and reference.

    • Connectivity

      • Bulk Audio load (explain/mention) - Presenter
      • Loading from a spreadsheet
      • Bulk loading audio
  7. Workflow (5 min)
    • Recommended flow, placeholder, Step, and tool
    • Jumping around
    • Completing a step
    • Uncompleted steps
    • Impact on Export (and eventually Sync)
    • Participants jump to a later step, see the difference, and come back.
  8. Oral Creation (30 min)
    • Internalization Setup – Presenter's demo
    • Section or Passage
    • Resources
      • Shared

      • General

        • Chunking 
      • Visual

      • Drama

      • Participants add a resource to the new passage they created above

  9. Internalization (same screen as above, but let’s demo it as a separate step)
    • Recording - (Presenter facilitator, Teaching Assistantrecords)
      • IP tracking - explain
      • Audio Editing - demo in APM and show the Audacity window
      • Formats - explain/show
        • Compressed
        • Raw
      • Uploading - explain/show
      • Audacity - show the window
      • Participants record something in their passage
  10. Checking (Teaching Assistantfacilitates and gets participants or Presenter to make comments.)
    • Team Check - demo (Presenter facilitates playback of draft and source text, written comment on some change.)

    • Peer Review - demo (Presenter invites someone to record a comment)

      • Participants pair up and peer review each other’s draft (individually), then listen to or read the other person’s peer review. 
    • Discussions (do in i and ii)

      • Anchoring
      • Assigning
      • Categories and Filtering
      • Audio v. Text
      • Threads
    • Community Check 

      • Retellings - demo
      • Questions -  explain the recording of each Q&A
      • Participants pair up (with a different person) and conduct a community check. Each person will facilitate the community check on their story, with the other person acting as a community member. 
    • Versions

    • Connectivity

  11. Consultant Input (20 min)
    • Back Translations (Presenter explains options for how to do BT and facilitates a volunteer recording of the BT. Teaching Assistant writes options on the whiteboard.)
      • Whole - explain
      • Phrase - demo
    • Transcribing (ask if participants will be using it or if they’d like to see it demoed)
      • Vernacular
      • Phrase
    • Paratext Sync (only if we transcribe)
      • Paratext Account
        • Accounts with multiple email addresses
      • Paratext project setup
        • Create, register, and user permissions
      • Passages Ready to Sync
        • Transcription Submitted by editor
        • Paratext project setup
        • Permission to sync
        • Expired tokens
        • Local vs. online sync
      • Verses (Paratext or APM)
    • Consultant Checking - demo in Paratext if we transcribe, in APM if not. Get a volunteer to give a consultant comment.
      • Paratext (Text)
      • APM (Audio or Text)
      • CIT - explain
  12. Product (1 hour)
    • Final Review - explain
    • Final Recording - explain
    • Export - demo
    • Audio
    • Transcription
    • Project
    • Scripture Burrito
  13. Participants practice (1h30m)
    • (we need to write these steps on a whiteboard)
    • Get into groups of 3-5, depending on what workflow you’d like to do (storying, OBT, transcription/ no transcription)
    • Create a team and add everyone to the team
    • Create a project and edit the workflow to whatever the team agrees on
    • Each person should:
      • Add a story/section/passage  
    • Take the story through the workflow
      • Invite someone to join you for back translation, community checking, and any other steps you’d like
  14. Next Steps (30 min)
    • Debrief 
    • Evaluation
    • Further training
    • Closing Prayer

Contributors to this page: David_Oandah .
Page last modified on Monday December 4, 2023 08:55:33 GMT-0000 by David_Oandah.


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