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Bloom 3 Session 5

Bloom Session 5

In this session, we will learn how to get a book from the Bloom library on the Bloom Library web site using Bloom.  The Bloom library has many books that have been shared by others that you can use.  You can filter the book list by language, topics and region.  You can also upload your books to the Bloom Library to be shared with others.

In this sesssion, you will need access to the Internet. Start Bloom.

Choose a Collection

  1. The main window appears.  Click Other Collections.  The Open/Create Collection dialog box appears.
  2. Select the appropriate collection.  The main window reappears.

Get a Shell book from the Bloom Library

  1. In the Sources for New Books pane, click Get more source books at BloomLibrary.org
  2. Your browser starts and the Bloom Book Library is displayed.
  3. To narrow your search for a particular kind of shellbook, click the desired language and then click the desired topic.  For example, you could click English and then click Story Book.

    Note both selections have a Clear button next to them.  To clear your search selection, click the Clear button
  4. Ṭhen click the desired book from the list (For example, Where is my Cat?).
  5. To preview a pdf copy of the book, click Preview.  This will download a pdf of the book to a folder on your computer for you to review.
  6. To download the book to Bloom, click Open in Bloom.  Then click Download Book.  In the External Protocol Request dialog box, click Launch Application.  After it downloads the book, click Return to Library.
  7. Then close your browser
  8. In the Sources for New Books pane, click the book you just downloaded.  Then click Make a book using this source.
  9. Now you ready to translate the text.

To upload a book to the Bloom Library.

  1. To select the desired collection,  Click Other Collections and select the desired collection.
  2. Select the desired book from the collection.
  3. Click Publish icon.
  4. Select Upload and then following the steps.


  1. Get another book from the Bloom Library and download it as a source for new books in Bloom

Contributors to this page: kent_schroeder .
Page last modified on Tuesday May 3, 2016 12:32:22 GMT-0000 by kent_schroeder.