Adding BdT Menu to Logos 10

It is possible to add the old-style Folio Views library menu to Logos 10. This is helpful for those transitioning from Folio Views. It can also be helpful to anyone who just wants quick access to the Bureau du Tracucteur, (BdT) collection of French resources.

BdT Menu Installed 1

  • Step 1 Locate the Logos search box
    Logos Search Box 1
  • Step 2 type “BdT Menu” into the search Box
    Type Bdt Menu In The Go Box 2
  • Step3a Click on Open Translator’s Workplace Menu
    Open Bureau Du Traducteur Menu 2
  • Step 3b The Bureau du Traducteur menu will open
    Bureau Du Traductuer Main Menu 2
  • Step 4 Click and drag the Bureau du Tracucteur Menu tab to menu side panel where it says Drag & drop shortcuts.
    BdT Menu Shortcut Drop 1
  • Step 5 The BdT menu shortcut icon will be added to the Logos toolbar
    BdT Menu Shortcut Installed 1

💡 Now you can open the BdT menu anytime you want by clicking on the BdT menu icon in the shortcut section of the Logos toolbar


Contributors to this page: JFFRYS , dhigby and sewhite .
Page last modified on Monday May 8, 2023 14:53:21 GMT-0000 by JFFRYS.


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