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Advanced Tips

Advanced Tips for Consultants and Adventurous Users

This is page is for Basic training specific to Bible translators in Translator's Workplace Logos Edition.  It is meant to be a supplement to the training, videos, and information available at https://www.logos.com/support and http://wiki.logos.com/ . The tasks outlined here in Advanced tips will improve efficiency, but may not be suitable for beginners in TW Logos. This page will focus on advanced functionality of Logos. You may also want to visit the Transition Guide from TW Folio for more advanced tips.

Search for Commentaries on a Given Passage

The Passage guide and the Sermon Starter guide in Logos lets you enter a Bible reference and one of the things it will display is the commentaries in your library that discuss that verse. (Guide menu > Passage guide or Guide menu > Sermon Starter Guide). 

You can create a custom guide as well, if there is other content you'd like in your guide.  See this page for a description.

Power Searches

I can't emphasize enough how useful this page is: Detailed Search Help on Logos Wiki

Morphological Searches

Logos allows you to search Original language or interlinear resources by morphological tags. The Lexham Discourse Greek New Testament (LDGNT) is a great playground for this search. Open LDGNT in one tile, and a search window in another tile as below: LGNTI Start.png Let's Start with an easy Morphological search. 1. In your Search window, choose Morph. 2. Search All Morph Text in All Passages in LDGNT with Logos Greek Morphology. 3. As noted in the Search Helps, we can do a morphological search by typing @. Type @, then choose a part of speech, and the rest of the menu appears you can now choose any appropriate morphological tags from the listing. 4. Once you choose a part of speech (required), you can skip columns and you can choose multiple options in one column. Logos will build the search for you. Note: Wildcards (meaning that this tag doesn't matter) show up as ?, multiple selections show as AD. If you know what you want, you can type the commands, and bypass the menu. 5. Once you've made your selection, press Enter. Morph Tag.png

Example Searches for a Greek text

Choose Morph i.e. All Morph Text in All Passages in LDGNT with Logos Greek Morphology.

Search Term Discussion
@NA BEFORE 1 WORD @VP This finds an Accusative Noun immediately before a Verb in the Present Tense
@V NEAR @N?S This finds a Verb within 40 characters of a Singular Noun.
@V @N?S This finds a verse that contains a Verb and Singular Noun, not necessarily together or in this order.
g:agape Search for the Greek word agape. Logos reads your transliteration and offers a list of lemmas to choose from. You can choose ἀγάπη. The search is replaced with lemma:ἀγάπη.
ἀγάπη You can use a Greek Unicode keyboard to search for a Greek word

Creative Greek Searches

Now this is where it gets fun. Because the Greek and English are linked in an interlinear, you can mix and match syntax (and languages!) If you are using an English-Greek interlinear Bible, it will use the English word order, and a Greek-English Interlinear Bible will use Greek word order.

Search Term Discussion
Jesus BEFORE 1 WORD @V Searches for Jesus followed by any verb.
thirst BEFORE @N?S Thirst near a singular noun.

Example Searches for a Hebrew text

Set up your search for a Morph Search in Hebrew. i.e. All Morph Text in All Passages in LDHB (Lexham Discourse Hebrew BIble) with Logos Hebrew Morphology. You can still use @ to build a Morph search, but you will choose instead from a list of tags that are appropriate to Hebrew.

Search Term Discussion
h:yhwh In the same manner, you can type a Hebrew transliteration, and select the root you want.
יהוה or use a Unicode Hebrew keyboard to search for a word
lemma:יהוה you can search for all forms derived from a lemma or root by typing that before the term.

Creative Hebrew Searches

We know that word order is different in English and Hebrew (especially when you consider right-to-left), so let's do a comparison. 1.Set up the Morph search: Search All Morph Text in All Passages in LDHB with Logos Hebrew Morphology. 2. Search for thirst BEFORE @N??S and press Enter. 3. Click the +Add Versions button and add ESV 4. Click the Verse on the first result to open the Bible. You should see something like this: Hebrewmorph.png Take a look at what Logos is showing you. In the first column of the search, the Hebrew words that match your search are highlighted. Thirst is Orange, and any plural Noun is Blue. Now look at the English Bible you chose. The highlighting still stands! But and thirsted are highlighted in orange, as they come from translation of the same Hebrew word. Singular Nouns are also highlighted in blue. Remember that we're working from the Hebrew Text, so the people is singular in Hebrew. Also, thirst in English doesn't necessarily come before the nouns. Lastly, notice that words in the LDHB resource are also highlighted. We can now swap it around. We'll search the English text based on Hebrew Morphology. 1.Set up the Morph search: Search All Morph Text in All Passages in ESV with Logos Hebrew Morphology. 2. Search for thirst BEFORE @N??S and press Enter. 3. Click the +Add Versions button and add LDHB. (You may need to remove the duplicate ESV first.) 4. Click the Verse on the first result. Logos is now searching the English Bible on the morphology of the HEBREW text, and the highlighting still stands. English Hebrew Morph.png

If You Don't Know Greek or Hebrew

This isn't a problem! If a translator does not read Hebrew or Greek well, but understands basic grammar, he/she could follow the steps of a Morph search en an English Bible, and skip the steps of adding LDHB or LDGNT as a secondary search text, then still do useful Morphological searches that point to the English TEXT!

Clause Searches

Clause searches in Greek require the SBL Greek New Testament which is not included in TW, but is currently (April 2017) a free resource from Logos. (Click here for listing in Logos store). Clause searches in Hebrew require the Lexham Hebrew Bible (included with TW) or the Lexham Hebrew-English Interlinear Bible.
Clause searching is VERY handy. Have you ever been looking for a specific word or name in a verse, and not found the verse because a pronoun was used? For a quick overview, watch: Clause Search at Logos.com Think of Clause Search as an extension to a concordance including pronouns and Indirect references. If you search for Andrew in the New Testament, would you expect to find this verse? Matthew 4:19 "And he said to them, 'Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.'" A Clause Search for person:Andrew shows that "them", "you", and "fisherman" all refer to groups that would have included Andrew. Clause searching is simpler than Morphological searching. Most Biblical People, Places and Things will be in the list. 1. Select Morph Search 2. Select All Passages, and then choose either SBLGNT (New Testament) or LHI (Old Testament). Don't worry if you can't read Greek or Hebrew, you can select any English Bible with an Interlinear. Just start to type a Name, Place, or Thing and choose the result you want from the list that appears. Typing Andrew, and choosing the list that appears, replaces my search with person:Andrew. Notice below how many overlapping references point to Andrew. Clause Search.png


When you find text that you want to highlight and save, you can easily do this in Logos, and you have an impressive selection of highlighting styles. To learn about Highlighting, watch this thorough video: Logos Tutorial #9 on Mark Barnes' Unofficial Logos 4 Videos

Visual Filters (Dynamic Highlighting)

Anything you've learned to do in search can be turned into a Visual Filter. Here's a useful filter that allows you to read an English Bible with hints on the underlying Plural and Singular Greek words. From the Documents menu, choose Visual Filter. For now, we'll chose LEB as the resource, but we could choose Entire Library. Choose Morph. 1. Title This Filter Plural/Singular. 2. Search All Morph Text in New Testament in LEB with Logos Greek Morphology 3. On the first line, type @N?S and choose Red Underline. 4. Continue until your Visual Filter looks like this:

@N?S Red Underline
@R??S Red Underline
@V????S Green Underline
@N?P Double Underline
@R???P Double Underline
@V????P location

5. Open the LEB. 6. You may choose to turn off Inline interlinear by clicking Display and un-checking Inline. 7. Click the Visual Filter Button Visual Filter.png and verify that Plural/Singular is Selected. You should now see, as below, an English text with hints of singular(single underline) and plural (double underline). This can be especially useful in highlighting plural pronouns such as You in Matthew 5:13 if your language makes a distinction. LEB Visual Filter.png

Custom Highlights

Note: I used only the available choices in highlights. If it bothers you that the red underline and black double underline don't match, you can create a new Palette of Highlighting Styles and add a very customizable custom style. Watch this thorough video (Custom Styles come at about 6:30): Logos Tutorial #9 on Mark Barnes' Unofficial Logos 4 Videos

Logos with less-than-ideal Internet

We know that Logos loves to download updates, and while this is a blessing in locations with good internet, we know that it can be challenging elsewhere.

Configuring or Turning Off Internet Updates!!!

You can turn off Logos internet use in the Program settings. Go to Tools > Program Settings, then look for the Internet section midway down the page.

"Mostly Offline" Program and Resource Installs

The Logos wiki pages below contain *unsupported* but viable methods for installing/updating on a slow or expensive internet connection. This link has instructions on how to install Logos from a single download of progams and resources (but does require a momentary internet connection for activation), as well as a method of distributing offline updates. http://wiki.logos.com/Install_Logos_for_multiple_users This link describes how to copy Logos from one computer to another (for the same user). http://wiki.logos.com/Quick_Installation_onto_multiple_computers

The Logos DVD

The long-term goal of the TW Team is to offer a DVD of TW Logos. As there are still resources left to be converted, it would not be a great service to offline users to release an incomplete DVD at this point.


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Contributors to this page: sewhite , dhigby and matthew_lee .
Page last modified on Monday April 17, 2017 20:37:23 GMT-0000 by sewhite.