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Morning Sharing Time

Morning Sharing Time



Day Name
Monday, Mar 11 Frans
Tuesday, Mar 12 Doug
Wednesday, Mar 13


Thursday, Mar 14 Pam
Friday, Mar 15 Okumo
Monday, Mar 18


Tuesday, Mar 19 Benedict
Wednesday, Mar20 Kent


Sharing Format

  1. Music:  The speaker will work with the music accompanist to select the songs relevant to their message for the day.
  2. Speaker:  This person will choose and bring one verse that shows the Biblical truth they want to bring across. After reading the verse they should tell a story (testimony) for not more than 10 minutes. The story should illustrate the verse they have just read. At the end, read the same verse again as this helps to really bring home the point.
  3. Pause: This helps to visualize and also allows for reflection
  4. Prayer Request:  At the end of the talk, someone will share how we can pray for the organization they represent.
  5. Prayer: The person (speaker but he can also assign) praying will stand and lead in a short prayer for the intention mentioned in 4 above and then ask God’s blessing on our day.

This is just a suggested sample so feel free to modify it as best suits you.



Contributors to this page: fbarah , JohnThomson , kent_schroeder and dhigby .
Page last modified on Tuesday March 19, 2019 05:06:50 GMT-0000 by fbarah.