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Course Program 2015

Course Program

Monday, February 9


Note: LO = Learning Objective

Session 1: Introduction and Overview

Introductions of participants


Course Overview

Discussion Questions:

  • Where do you go to solve problems and get help?
  • What are your concerns about having computers running Windows, Linux and MacOS in your entity?

Session 2-3: Language Software Review

LO: The participants will know which software to use for a given language development task.
Language Software Overview 2015 presentation

Discuss AFA LT Personnel and Skills smartsheet.

Identified Language Technology software  usage In non-Francophone Africa

Session 4: Growth Plan

LO: The participant will know how to fill out the growth plan.

LO: The participants will fill out a growth plan for themselves

Discuss what is a growth plan.

The instructor goes through each growth plan focusing on how it is to be filled out.

Each participant will fill out his growth plan. 

Each participant will sign up for a time slot to have his growth plan reviewed by an instructor.

Session 5: LT Podcast

LT Podcast - December 2014

Tuesday, February 10


Paratext 7.5

At the end of these seven sessions participants will be able to

  • perform the top 100 skills in the current version of Paratext
  • use the Biblical Terms tool to adapt proper names
  • insert a Bible module containing the Advent lectionary readings
  • use the Transcelerator tool to translate testing questions for a short passage
  • use the Project progress tool to report on progress of a project and check the health of the project
  • investigate some new features coming in Paratext 7.6
  • try out the top 10 new skills in Paratext 7.6

Session 1: Paratext 7.5

Session 2: Paratext 7.5

  • Report to the group the skills which have changed.

Session 3: Paratext 7.5

  • Using the Biblical terms tool, adapt proper names.


Session 4: Teaching a Workshop

Teaching a workshop

Plan a workshop for the coming year and fill out the Workshop Planning Form. Submit the completed form to your instructor.

Session 5: Rapid Word Collection

LO: The participants will know the reason for having a RWC workshop.

LO: The participants will know the benefits of having a RWC workshop

LO: The participants will know the prerequisites of a RWC workshop.

LO: The participants will know what roles are required for RWC workshop.

LO: The participants will know the basic process of RWC.

RWC Buli Video

RWC Overview presentation

RWC Handout (questions to answer and then reviewed)

Wednesday, February 11


Session 1: Paratext 7.5

  • Insert a Bible module.

Session 2: Paratext 7.5

  • Use the Transcelerator add-in to translate the testing questions for a short passage.

Session 3: Paratext 7.6

  • Use the Project progress tools to report on the progress of a project and check the health of the project.
  • Investigate some new features of Paratext 7.6

Session 4: HearThis

LO: The participants will know how to record a Scripture passage from a paratext project.

LO: The participants will know how to create an audio file of their recordings.

Demonstrated how to use HearThis to create an audio file of a scripture passage.

The participants created an audio file of a scripture passage using HearThis.

Session 4: Language Forge

LO: The participants will understand the purpose of  language forge web site

A demo of Language Forge is given.

Session 5: Assignment

Create an audio file from Matthew 4:1-11 from a Paratext project..

Thursday, February 12


Session 1: Paratext 7.6

  • Try out top 10 new feaures in Paratext 7.6
  1. Schedule send/receive
  2. View and fix reference icons/errors
  3. Insert cross-references from GNT
  4. Change view in text collections
  5. View invallid characters in the text (also Biblial terms)
  6. Insert spelling note
  7. Run Wordlist spell checks
  8. Find/Replace in verse text only
  9. Run RegexPal from the advanced menu.
  10. Spell check by morphology.

Session 2-3: Bloom

LO: The participants will know how to create a basic book using Bloom.

LO: The participants will know how to publish a basic book using Bloom.

LO: The participants will know to create a shell book using Bloom.

LO: The participants will know how to create a leveled reader using Bloom

A video presentation is given which gives an overview of the Bloom computer program.

A video presentation is given  which shows how to produce a basic book.

The participants generated a basic book using the Bloom software.

The instructor demonstrated how to generate a shell book using the Bloom software.  Then the participants produced a shell book.

The instructor demonstrated how to generate a leveled reader.

Session 4: PrimerPro

LO: The participants will know how to create a new PrimerPro project

LO: The participants will know how to setup a Grapheme Inventorory

LO: The participants will know how to import a word list and text data

LO: The participants will know to create a recommended teaching order

PrimerPro Setup Training Video

PrimerPro Setup Tutorial

Session 5: Assignment

Create a shell book in English from the Lost Coin story (see Lost Coin folder) in the LTCT Shell Books Collection.  Make a bloom pack from this collection.  Create book of the Lost Coin story using the shell book just created in another language of your choice and published it as a PDF file. Submit the PDF file to the instructor.

Friday, February 13


Session 1: Adapt it

Using the Adapt It training program found on   http://tiki.lingtransoft.info/A6+Getting+Started?structure=Navmenu

  • Setup an Adapt It project.
  • Setup Paratext collaboration.

Session 2: Adapt It

Using the Adapt It training program found on http://tiki.lingtransoft.info/A6+Adapt-It+Basics?structure=Navmenu

  • Adapt a short text using the basic Adapt It skills.
  • Edit the knowledgebase as needed.

Session 3: Adapt It

Using the Adapt It training program found on http://tiki.lingtransoft.info/A6+Back+Translation?structure=Navmenu

Session 4: Scripture App Builder

LO: The participants will understand the basic procedure for building a Scripture App for Android

Discussed the purpose of Scripture App Builder

Gave an overview of the Scripture App Builder

Demonstrated the process for building an app

The participants built an app.

Session 4: Scripture Forge

LO: The participants will know what Scripture Forge is

Scripture Forge is a web site that enables communities to participate in the Scripture checking process. Scripture Forge provides a community feedback mechanism to help your team test their scripture drafts for comprehension and readability.

A demo of the web site using a test project was given.

Session 5: Preparing FLEx 8 module

Instructions were given on how to prepare to teach a FLEx module.

Saturday, February 14

Session 1-3: Preparing FLEx 8 module

The participants prepared to teach their assigned FLEx modules.

The FLEX 8 sessions will be taught by the participants.

Monday, February 16


Session 1: FLEx 8 - Lexicon Edit 1

LO:   To be able to add entries.
LO:   To be able to find entries.
LO:   To be able to merge entries.
LO:   To be able to use the help facility.

Lexicon Edit 1

Session 2-3: FLEx 8 - Lexicon Edit 2

LO:  To be able to work with lists.
LO:  To be able to add and edit affixes.
LO:  To be able to add and edit variants.
LO:  To be able to add and edit complex forms

Lexicon Edit 2

Session 4: Regular Expressions

Session 5: Assignment

  • Write several RegEx to cleanup after a dictionary conversion, in particular remove unnecessary punctuation and reorder fields as necessary.


Tuesday, February 17


Session 1: FLEx 8 - Browse

LO:  To be able to select columns to be displayed.
LO:  To be able to sort columns.
LO:  To be able to filter entry rows.


Session 2: FLEx 8 - Project Management

LO:   To be able to change the properties of a project.
LO:   To be able to create a new project.
LO:   To be able to backup and restore a project.

Project Management

Session 3: FLEx 8 - LexiconEdit 3

LO:  To be able to add a pronunciation to an entry.
LO:  To be able to add an example sentences to an entry.
LO:  To be able to add a pictures to an entry.
LO:  To be able to add a link to an entry.
LO:  To be able to add a lexical relation to an entry.
LO;  To be able to create a custom field.

Lexicon Edit 3

Session 4: Unicode Conversion

At the end of the sessions, participants will be able to

  • Install the SIL Converters 4.0 and their branch tec files.
  • Install additional .tec or .map converters
  • Convert a Word file to Unicode.
  • Convert a LibreOffice file to Unicode.

Image Unicode Presentation

Session 5: Assignment

  • Identify one of several files that need to be converted to Unicode.
  • Install the .tec and font files corresponding to that file.
  • Convert the file to Unicode.


Wednesday, February 18


Session 1: FLEx 8 - Bulk Edit and Word Collection

LO; To be able to use the Bulk Edit facility to make global changes to the lexicon.

Bulk Edit

LO: To be able to add words to the lexicon using semantic domains

Word Collection

Session 2-3: FLEx 8 - Interlinearization

LO:  To be able to add text to be interlinearized.
LO:  To be able to interlinearize text


Session 4: WeSay

LO:  The participants will know how to create and configure a WeSay project.

LO:  The participant will know how to build a word list using the SIL Comparative African Word List (SIL CAWL) in WeSay.

LO:  The participant will know how to build a word list using Semantic Domains in WeSay.

LO:  The participant will know how to do collaboration in WeSay.

The participants discussed the pros and cons of WeSay.

The participants created a WeSay  project using the WeSay configuration tool.

The participants built a wordlist  in the WeSay project using SIL CAWL and Semantic Domain features of WeSay..

The participants (in pairs) added to the wordlist in the WeSay project using the collaboration feature of WeSay

Session 5: Webonary

LO:  The participants will know how to upload a dictionary to webonary web site.

The presenter demos the web site.

The presenter shows the participants how to upload a dictionary.

Some participants uploaded a dictionary to the webonary site. .

Thursday, February 19


Session 1: FLEx 8

LO: To be able to use the parser for parsing words.
LO: To be able to use the word analysis feature
LO:  To be able to use the Concordance

Parsing & Concordance

Session 2-3: FLEx 8

LO:  To show how to do collaboration between two FieldWorks project on separate PCs.
LO:  To show how to do collaboration between a FieldWorks lexicon and a WeSay project


Session 4: DBL

  • Observe the process of preparing and submitting a Paratext project to the DBL.
  • Perform the Paratext checks to prepare the project
  • Observe the process of REAPing metadata.
  • Prepare the canon for the project.

Image DBL Presentation

Session 5: DBL (cont)

  • Search the DBL for scriptures already submitted on behalf of your branch.
  • Access scriptures on YouVersion.
  • Be able to answer questions from members of your branch on what is the DBL.

Friday, February 20


Session 1: LSDev Prioritization Process

LO:  The participants will have basic understanding of the LSDev prioritization process

LSDev has a new system for prioritizing their software development projects.  The process is discussed. The Round 3 results are discussed

The Strategic Value Drivers of the process s presented and explained.

The process of prioritizing the proposals is explained as the presenter experienced it.

The template for submitting proposals is presented

A Cog promotion video is presented.

Session 2: Assignments Review

The four assignments were discussed.

Session 3: Evalution & Debrief



LTCT 2015 picture presentation

Thanks to participants and stafff



Contributors to this page: kent_schroeder and Jenni Beadle .
Page last modified on Friday February 27, 2015 09:09:21 GMT-0000 by kent_schroeder.