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Transition from TWFolio

While some TW Logos users will be using their first Translator's Workplace Product, we recognize that the majority of users will have used TW Folio and BART in the past. In conjunction with the Quick- Start Guide and Advanced Tips, this page seeks to ease the anxiety of transition for those users, and is therefore arranged in FAQ form.

I have a saved Desktop in TW Folio that I like, how do I replicate this in Logos?

Logos gives you multiple options for layout, You can arrange resources in side-by-side Tiles as you did in Folio, and group similar resources into overlapping Tabs. See this example in Logos 5: Logos Screenshot.jpg You will see that some resources (NIV, ESV, and NRSV) are arranged in overlapping Tabs.  This allows them to be always available, though not always visible. Translator's Notes, Exegetical summaris, and the UBS handbooks are arranged in individual Tiles.  So that you can read and review reasonable abmounts of text in each window, it is recommended to keep your critical resources in separate panes, and occasionally-used resources in tabs.


Steps for Arranging Resources in Tiles and Tabs

Watch this Video:  Managing Tabs and Tiles from Logos.com I'll try to add a transcript later for those with troublesome internet.

I understand the process, but how can I fit more resources?

  • Font size can be changed for each individual resource pressing CTRL + or CTRL -, or by moving the slider available (as below) when you click the Book Cover.
  • You can also hide the Locator Bar and Table of Contents from this menu to make more space. This also includes Link Sets (i.e. A, 😎 which are equivalent to scrolling groups in TW-Folio and Paratext.

Book Cover Menu.png

  • Finally, you can Zoom the entire program under Tools>Program Settings>Program Scaling. Try 90% for a start.


How do I save the Layout or set it to come back next time I start Logos?

Once you get your layouts just right, you'll want to save your work. 1. Click on the Layouts Button on the toolbar. 2. You'll see a small image of your current layout labeled "Now". 3. Click the blue Save as Named Layout. 4. To set your current layout as the startup default, go to Tools>Program Settings>General and choose your new named layout from the At Startup Open to menu. At next restart, you will come back to this.  You can also choose to show your most recent layout. Startup Open To.png

How do I do complex searches like NEAR, WITHIN 5 WORDS in Logos?

Visit Detailed Search Help on the Logos Wiki, and look for Proximity Operators.

Where is the list of exegetical resources for each book?

One of my favorite parts of the TW Folio interface was the menu section that displayed exegetical resources for each book. A Logos equivalent to this is the Passage guide. Go to Guides in the Toolbar and click Passage Guide. LogosPassageGuide  The Commentaries section of this guide shows what Bible commentaries are available for this passage.

If you do not like the order in which Logos lists available commentaries, you can adjust their priority. Click the Library button and search for a commentary you'd like to make a higher priority. Logos  Prioritize Commentary Right click on it in the library list and choose Prioritize or Prioritize this series. You can fine tune the order of resources you have prioritized by clicking Prioritize at the top right of the library list. This shows your list of prioritized resources, click and drag a resource up to raise its priority or down to lower its priority. Logos Prioritylist

A near equivalent is the Exegetical guide, but it does not include the "Commentaries" section.  You can bring in this section by clicking Add at the top right of the guide window, and choosing Commentaries. Addcommentaries When commentaries is added, it displays the commentaries that comment on the current passage. You can create a new guide template based on the Exegetical guide, with the Commentaries section always added.  To do this, select Make a new guide template from the bottom of the guide menu.You can display all sections from the exegetical guide, then select commentaries in the Individual sections list. Then give your new template a name. In this example, I am going to call it Exeg+commentaries. LogosNewGuide

When you finish typing the new name and added content, the template is ready to use. (There is not a "save template" command). Choose your new custom guide by going to the Guides list. Custom guides will be listed at the bottom. 

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Contributors to this page: sewhite , jjagt and matthew_lee .
Page last modified on Thursday January 17, 2019 18:49:34 GMT-0000 by sewhite.