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Arranging the Windows

Logos Bible Software lets you arrange the windows however you want. In the module, “Reading Multiple Versions”, you were shown how to arrange the windows using layouts. This module shows you how to arrange the windows by moving one of the open resources.

Start by opening three French bibles. First open “La Bible Louis Segond 1910”. Next open “Parole de Vie”. Finally open “La Bible en Français courant”. Name this layout, “Three French Bibles”. Logos now displays the three French resources side-by-side, as shown here:

ArrangingWindows ThreeFrenchBibles

Now change the order of “La Bible Louis Segond 1910” and “Parole de Vie”. Do this by clicking the mouse button on the title “Parole de Vie” and hold it down. Next move the cursor to the left so that you see left one-third of the window shaded. Then let go of the mouse button. You can also move a resource up or down using the same method.

When you want to save the new arrangement of resources, click on “Layouts” in the upper-right of the window for Logos Bible Software, and select “Update active”. This saves the new layout with the name, “Three French Bibles”, which you used before.

Contributors to this page: Larry Waswick .
Page last modified on Tuesday May 20, 2014 19:54:33 GMT-0000 by Larry Waswick.