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Opening a Resource

When you want to open a resource, the Library menu helps you find the resource.

LBS Upper Left Menu And Toolbar

The upper-left of the Logos Bible Software application includes a menu and toolbar, as shown above. Click on the library icon, Library Icon.png , in the menu to open the list of resources. Below the library icon, you will see a Find box, as shown below.

LBS Library Icon With Find Box Below

In the Find box, start entering the title of the resource that you want to open. For example, start typing the title, “Greek-English Lexicon of the NT Based on Semantic Domains.” After just typing “Greek-English”, you will see the lexicon appear in the list, as shown here:

LBS Library Search For Greek English Lexicon

When you move the cursor over the title, the title will change to a different color, as shown below:

LBS Library Search With Greek English Lexicon Highlighted

Click on the title and the Greek-English Lexicon will open.

Contributors to this page: Larry Waswick and matthew_lee .
Page last modified on Thursday March 27, 2014 13:39:26 GMT-0000 by Larry Waswick.