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Scrolling with other Translation Programs


Recently, discussions of Scripture Verse Scrolling have become very complicated as the various programs gain and lose compatibility with successive operating systems and hardware. In Translation programs, you have the options to define different scroll groups. The idea is that all resources in the same Scroll group will jump to the appropriate reference when one resource is changed. Each program (ParaTExt, Translator's Workplace Logos, Translator's Workplace Folio, BART and Translation Editor) also has the option to exchange scripture references with other programs. This page discusses how to have the different programs succesfully interact with each other. Depending on your operating system and which programs you regularly use, the recommended setup will vary.

Enabling Cross-Program Scrolling and Communication:

This section discusses (at a user level) how to activate scrolling in various applications.


  • In Paratext,  choose "Scroll Scripture with any Compatible Applications. In Paratext 9 this is in Paratext settings, in the main (top level) menu, under Paratext. In Paratext 8 this is on the Tools menu.
    From now on, Logos will follow your focused project in Paratext. Once it is checked, it is turned on, and there is no need to turn it on each time you load Paratext.
  • Within ParaTExt, you can now choose different scroll groups (A, B, etc) for different resources, and all Paratext resources with matching letters will scroll together. Other translation programs will react differently, as described below.

Note: When you save Text Combinations in Paratext, the selected scroll group also saved.

Logos/Translator's Workplace Logos

  • For each resource that you want to Scroll together, you must choose a scroll group, known as a link set in Logos. This is done by clicking on the Book cover icon of an open resource, and choosing a **Link Set** letter. No group is chosen by default.

Logos goes a step further than other Translation Applications, and supports the linking of **multiple scroll groups** with Paratext. Resources in Logos's Link Set A will scroll with Paratext resources in Scroll Group A, no matter which application is leading. Currently, Logos resources in Scroll groups B-E will consistently follow Paratext resources with the same letter, but ParaText does not reliably follow Logos' references on the same resources. The solution is to let Paratext "drive" these resources, which ideally are secondary in the first place. Note: When you save layouts in Logos, the selected link set is maintained. Unlike Paratext, scrolling is only triggered from Logos when the verse reference on the window is changed (this is probably an intentional decision on their part that reduces screen refreshing). Clicking on a verse in the Logos window is not sufficient to trigger an update in the other programs. Valid methods of "leading" with Logos are:

  • Page Down, Page Up, and Arrow keys
  • Using the Previous/Next Buttons
  • Typing in a new reference and pressing enter
  • Scrolling
  • Choosing a new chapter from the table of contents.

Translator's Workplace Folio 5.0 and 5.1

  • From the Toolbar or Reference Menu, select "Send Scripture References", "Receive Scripture References" and "Scroll Immediately". These are NOT enabled by default, and must be enabled each time that TWFolio is Opened.
    TW 3buttons2scroll

The Active (currently selected) resource in TW will follow or lead the active resource in Paratext, regardless of scroll groups. Any Folio resource in the same scroll group with the active resource will also follow.

BART 5.3

  • From the Toolbar or Reference Menu, select "Send Scripture Refs" and "Receive Scripture Refs". These options do "stick", and do not need to be enabled each time that BART is opened.

The Active resource in BART will follow or lead the active resource in Paratext, regardless of scroll groups. Any BART resource in the same scroll group with the active resource will also follow.

Translation Editor 7/8

From the Reference Menu, choose "Send Scripture References" and "Receive Scripture References". The open text will lead and follow scrolling with Logos' Group A. To my knowledge, this is not configurable. It will also scroll with the active window of BART and Folio in the same way as ParaTExt.

FLEx 7/8

While this is not a Scripture editor, the configuration must also match the operating system and administrator setting of the other programs to succesfully communicate and share lexical data with Paratext.

Troubleshooting Overview:

Some have said that when TW Folio was set to compatibility mode in 64 bit Windows, that the other programs needed to be set to the same compatibility mode. This is not true. Don't change the compatibility on any program except TW Folio. 

Troubleshooting the connection with Logos

With Logos running, go to the Tools menu in Paratext, and choose Access Logos Resources. Go to the All Resources tab, and click on one of the categories. If you see a list of resources appear, Paratext is communicationg OK with Logos. (This command is for adding Logos resources to the menu that shows in Paratext when you right click a Greek or Hebrew lemma. If Paratext cannot communicate with Logos in this dialog, it probably will not scroll with Logos either). 

If you receive an error message in Paratext saying that Logos isn't properly registered (or Access Logos Resources in ParaTExt is greyed out, try this fix:

  1. Close Paratext and  Logos if they are running. 
  2. Find your Logos program directory. (It is likely c:\users\yourusername\appdata\local\Logos). 
  3. In Windows, run a command prompt "as administrator". (Click 'Start', type 'cmd', right click on "Command prompt" and choose "Run as administrator".
  4. In the command prompt, change the directory to your Logos program directory. You can type cd \users\username\appdata\local\Logos or you can go step by step, cd \users then cd usernamethen cd appdata, then cd local then cd Logos
  5. Now type logos.exe/register. (No spaces in the command). Windows should say that Logos Bible software is now registered.
  6. Now test Paratext and Logos and see if they scroll together.



Using the mousewheel to scroll up or down two or more chapters may result in Paratext not responding for several seconds until it finally catches up and moves to the new reference. 

Going to a new passage several chapters or in a different book is probably best done by typing the new reference in the Logos reference bar, or using Paratext to navigate. 

Accessing Logos Resources from within Paratext's Source Language Tools

(This information is based on the Paratext Help file titled "How do I add Logos resources to the Source Text Menu".) If you are running Logos version 5 or 6:

  1. From the Tools menu, choose Access Logos Resources...
  2. Click the All Resources tab.
  3. From each Category, you can choose your Favorite Resources (dictionaries, encyclopedias, and lexicons are the most useful at this point). Double-click on each resource you might want to access from within Source Language Tools.
  4. Switch to the Favorite Resources Tab.
    The resources you selected should now be listed.
  5. Select one of the source texts from the drop-down list on the right.
  6. Select the resources you want to link to this text.
  7. Click Assign. When you click on a lemma in the Source text window, your linked Logos resources will now be available in the list that appears. 

Example: Accessing the (Logos) Theological Workbook of the Old Testament from ParaTExt:

  1. Go to Tools > Access Logos Resources
  2. Click the All Resources tab.
  3. Click Lexicon in the left hand column.
  4. Double click Theological Workbook of the Old Testament
  5. Go to the Favorite Resources tab.
  6. Click on Lexicons on the left, then click on Theological Workbook of the Old Testament to select it
  7. In the SLT menu list on the right, choose Hebrew OT.
  8. Click Assign just below the SLT menu list.

Now, when you right click on a Hebrew word, or its gloss, then select the lemma, Theological Workbook of the Old Testament (Logos) should be one of the menu options. If Logos is open, choosing that option should display the entry for that lemma in Logos.

Example Setup for using Logos with SLT

As a TW user, you will likely want to connect your best resources, here is an example setup.


All Nations Christian Home and School Dictionary:

  • Select All Nations Christian Home and School Dictionary
  • From the SLT Menu, choose Other
  • Click Assign.
    Now selecting English glosses after right clicking on a word in Source Language Tools will give you the option to look up that word in this english Dictionary.


Enhanced Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon:

  • Select Enhanced Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon
  • From the SLT Menu, choose Hebrew OT
  • Click Assign.
    Now selecting Hebrow Lemmas after right clicking on a word in Source Language Tools will give you the option to look up that word in this Hebrew Lexicon.

A Concise Greek-English Dictionary of the New Testament

  • Select Enhanced Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon
  • From the SLT Menu, choose Greek NT
  • Click Assign.
  • If you like, from the SLT Menu, choose Septuagint
  • Click Assign.
    Now selecting English glosses after right clicking on a word in Source Language Tools will give you the option to look up that word in this english Dictionary.

Contributors to this page: sewhite , matthew_lee , epawley , dhigby and system .
Page last modified on Tuesday July 30, 2019 18:09:36 GMT-0000 by sewhite.