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Setting up a Paratext Project for Success

How to set up new Paratext users for success

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Layouts in Paratext


Language settings

Is the correct language identifier being used for the language?  This is very important as it helps identify which languages have work being done. The language identifier is stored in the Paratext Registry and modifications to it must be made in the Registry.

Language identifier

BCP-47 Standard should include the 2 or 3 letter language code, and additional codes, only if they are needed to uniquely identify the language or script by distinguishing it from others in existance.

  • Script: the type of script, but only if there are multiple scripts for a given language.  If not, the script is assumed and you should leave it blank.
  • Region: only include the region if the language must be distinguished from another dialect of the same language that shares the same 3-letter code
  • Variant: Usually blank, but this is one way to register a known variant.
  • Dialect: Known dialects may be selectable here.

Language Settings Dialog

  • Alphabetic Characters
    • Set all of the alphabetic characters here, following the instructions in the User Guide.
  • Other Characters
    • Give special attention to Word-medial punctuation.  Any non-alphabetic characters that may appear inside of a word (such as a dash joining compound words), must be added here.  Otherwise, the word will be broken into two words.
  • Font
  • Font Features
    • Do you want to use the literary characters "ɑɡ" instead of the typographic characters "ag".  These and other character preferences can be selected if using one of the SIL fonts with font features enabled.
    • If font features are not working (or not able to be activated in Paratext), it is usually because you have an old version of the font installed. You can find the font on the web and download the installer to update it.

Configuring checks for a project that has already started

Preparing for automated checking

It is a dynamic process

  • When a project is brand new, there aren't a lot of checks that can be configured.
  • As the project begins to have text in it, the inventories can be configured. 

What quotation system will be used?

  • Set up the quotation rules
    • Think about your rules
    • Test what you have
    • Adjust the rules
    • Make corrections to the rules or text as necessary

Begin setting up inventories (when you have some text data)

  • Characters Inventory: Either combine letters with diacritics or display characters separately.
  • Punctuation Inventory
    • Select Show sequences to view sequences of punctuation characters.
    • Clear Show sequences to view individual punctuation characters categorized by the contexts in which they occur (for example, Word Final). An underscore character preceding or following an item in the Punctuation column represents a space.
    • If the project does not have Quotation Rules set, a reddish bar will appear under the title bar of the inventory. Click Quotation Rules to the right of the reddish bar to set the Quotation Rules.
  • Markers Inventory: Standard Format markers. The stylesheet determines validity.
  • Unmatched Pairs of Punctuation: Unmatched punctuation characters (punctuation which is typically one of a pair, but is not matched by its counterpart).
  • Repeated Words: Words followed by repeated occurrences of themselves (for example, had had or the the).
  • Markers Missing Final Sentence Punctuation.
    • Select Show All Final Punctuation to display the individual characters that are the final characters of text that is preceded by a paragraph style marker.
    • Clear Show All Final Punctuation to group together all characters that are not sentence-final punctuation characters, but are final characters of text that is preceded by a paragraph style marker.
  • Capitalization Inventories and Check (video)
    • Markers Followed by a Lower Case Letter: Standard Format markers which are typically sentence-initial, but are followed by a lowercase letter.
    • Punctuation Followed by a Lower Case Letter:
      • Select Show sequences to view unique sequences of punctuation that are followed by a lower case letter.
      • Clear Show sequences to view individual punctuation characters which are typically sentence-final, but are followed by space, and then a lowercase letter.
    • Mixed Capitalization: Words which have capitalization other than initial uppercase followed by all lowercase.

Scripture Reference Settings

Even before books are translated, you will be writing cross-references or notes which refer to passages in them.  For this to succeed later on, you will need to name those books in advance.

  • What book names are you using?
  • What is the format for a reference?
  • Where will you put the origin of notes?

Contributors to this page: james_post and dhigby .
Page last modified on Saturday June 4, 2022 00:19:52 GMT-0000 by james_post.