WeSay Program

WeSay Program

  1. Start WeSay program
    • The WeSay dialog box appears
To gather words using the AFA comparative word list
  1. Click SILCA Word List.
    • The SILCA Word List dialog box appear
    • Use the Page Down and Page Up keys to go to previous and next entries. The words are in alphabetical order
  2. In the able entry, in the Word box, type capable. Press Enter key
    • Capable is added to the word list.
  3. Now for abscess entry, enter abcès.
    • Now for abstain entry, enter s'abstenir.
    • Now for accumulate entry, enter accumuler and amasser.
  4. To view word list, click Dictionary Browse & Edit tab.
To gather words using semantic domains.
  1. Click Semantic Domains.
    • The Semantic Domains dialog box appear
    • Use the Page Down and Page Up keys to go to previous and next category. The categories are in domain number order
  2. Go to 1.1.1 Sun. In the Word box, type soleil. Press Enter key. In the Word box, type étoile. Press Enter key.
  3. Go to Moon, enter lune and clair de lune and lunaire.
  4. To view word list, click Dictionary Browse & Edit tab.
To add words to the dictionary
  1. Click Dictionary Browse & Edit.
    • The Dictionary Browse & Edit dialog box appears.
  2. Click New Word.
  3. In the Word box, type aller. In the Meaning 1 box, type go.
  4. Add the following words.
    • Chapeau - hat
    • Rouge - red
    • Ordinateur - computer
    • Recherché - search
    • Garçon - boy and waiter
To add meanings to words
  1. Click Meanings.
    • The Meanings dialog box appears.
  2. Add appropriate meanings to all the words in the list.
  3. To view word list, click Dictionary Browse & Edit tab.
To add examples sentences for a given word
  1. Click Example Sentence.
    • The Example Sentences dialog box appears.
  2. Go to lune entry. In the Example box, type La lune is blanche.
  3. Go other entries and enter sample sentences.
  4. To view word list, click Dictionary Browse & Edit tab. Select lune entry.
To backup word list
  1. Click Backup.
To export word list to SFM file
  1. Click Export To SFM.
    • The exported word list is displayed in Notepad and is saved in the WeSay export folder for the French project.
To open the word list in Lexique Pro
  1. Click Lexique Pro.
    • The Lexique Pro program is opened with the word list.
Other Features
  1. Click Dictionary Browse & Edit.
    • The Dictionary Browse & Edit dialog box appears.
  2. Click Show Uncommon Fields.
    • More fields are shown.
  3. To add a picture to the dictionary, click Choose Image File.
  4. In the Citation box, you can type the citation form.
  5. In the Note box, you can type a note of some kind.
  6. In the PartOfSpeech box, you can select a part of speech
  7. To hide the extra fields, click Hide Uncommon Fields.
To Import from FLEx.
  1. Start WeSay Configuration Tool
  2. To create a project from LIFT file, click Create Project From FLEx LIFT Export.
    • The Create Project From FLEx Lift Export dialog box appears.
  3. Browse for Zanaki Lift file. Name it. Click OK.
  4. Click Open in WeSay.

Contributors to this page: sewhite .
Page last modified on Thursday April 3, 2014 15:12:43 GMT-0000 by sewhite.


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All content on this LingTranSoft wiki are by SIL International are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.