HearThis Session 4

HearThis Session

Return to Course Program 2016


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HearThis provides a do-it-yourself alternative for communities wanting to get translated scripture text into audio form.

HearThis automatically finds your Paratext translations and walks you through recording it, one bit at a time.  Not a great reader? Need to read it again?  Just press on the record button and try again, until you get it right.  Then click the arrow, and see the next thing you need to read.  At any time, click the Publish button and select your target, e.g. AudiBible, MegaVoiceSaber, mp3s, wavs, and oggs. HearThis can produce all the files needed for adding audio when using the Scripture App Builder.

To demonstrate the capabilities of HearThis, do the following:

Start HearThis.

1.      Click Choose Paratext Project icon.  Select LT16 project.

2.      Click Settings icon

·         Discuss Skipping tab.  Select Show Skip Button.  Select Chapter Numbers.  Deselect the rest.

·         Discuss Punctuation tab.  Select Treat quotes as separate blocks.

·         Discuss Settings Protection.

·         Click OK to save changes.

3.      To record an audio version of a scripture passage.

·         Select Book of John.

·         Click and hold Record icon to record the displayed text

·         Click the Play icon to play what you just recorded.

·         Click the Skip icon to go to the next passage.

·         Click the Delete icon to delete a recording.

·         Select Introduction.  Record it.

·         Select Chapter 1.  Do verses 1-5

·         You can break a long long into two parts by pressing p.  Break verses 6-7 into parts and record..

·         Break verse 7-8 into parts and record.

·         Record verse 8-18.

4.      To create an audio file of a scripture passage.

·         Select the book and chapter.

·         Click the Export icon.

·         Select AudiBible audio format.

·         Click Export.

5.      To create an mp3 audio file of a scripture passage.  You need to install lame for audacity for this to work.

·         Select the book and chapter.

·         Click the Export icon.

·         Select Folder of MP3's audio format.

6.      Click Export. Go to the folder where you saved the wav and mp3 files and play it.

Contributors to this page: kent_schroeder .
Page last modified on Monday April 4, 2016 17:50:34 GMT-0000 by kent_schroeder.


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