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Bloom 4

Bloom 4 Training Plan

Purpose (Why?)

To train literacy workers on how to use Bloom computer program for generating vernacular materials and to produce several vernacular books for the language community. This includes basic books, shell books, big books, decodable readers, leveled readers, talking books and the Bloom Reader.  This plan is based upon version 4.1

Audience (Who?): Literacy Workers


Time (How long?): 3-5 days

Learning Objectives (What?):

1.    The participants will know how to create a basic book using Bloom.
2.    The participants will know how to publish a basic book using Bloom.
3.    The participants will know how to create a bilingual book using Bloom
4.    The participants will know how to create a shell book using Bloom.
5.    The participant  will know how to create a big book using Bloom
6.    The participants will know how to download a book from the Bloom library.
7.    The participants will know to create a talking book using Bloom.
8.    The participants will know how to create a decodable reader using Bloom
9.    The participants will know how to create leveled reader using Bloom
10.  The participants will know how to create a Bloom Pack.
11.  The participants will produce at least 3 booklets (ready for printing) using Bloom

The Training Plan

1.    Introductions and Logistics
2.    Present the 10 minute video Bloom Overview.
3.    Review the Learning Objectives (see above).
4.    Present Session 1.
5.    Present Session 2.
6.    Present Session 3.
7.    Present Session 4.
8.    Present Session 5.
9.    Present Session 6.
10.  Present Session 7.
11.  Present Session 8.
12.  Present Session 9.
13.  Present Session 10.
14.  Present Session 11.
15.  Have the participants create local language templates for their language using Bloom.
16.  Have the participants create at least three books in their language.


Here is the data files for the training plan.


Contributors to this page: kent_schroeder .
Page last modified on Wednesday September 2, 2020 12:49:01 GMT-0000 by kent_schroeder.