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Phonology Assistant

Phonology Assistant


Purpose (Why):

To be assist the linguist in the use of the Phonology Assistant computer program. This program will assist the linguist in his phonological analysis of a language.


Learning Objectives (What):

1. The participant will know how to install the program.

2. The participant will know to create a project.

3. The participant will know to use the search facility.


Learning Tasks (How):



A PowerPoint presentation is given which gives an update on Phonology Assistant (Phonology Assistant Update2008.ppt). This presentation is not available for download.



The participants will install Phonology Assistant on their computers.

The participants will go the basic tasks of the program with the instructor. This will demonstrate the basic capabilities of the program. PA Content Instructions



The participants will do exercises using the computer program on their computer. PA Exercises



Contributors to this page: JonathanDailey , sewhite and system .
Page last modified on Friday December 9, 2016 17:21:38 GMT-0000 by JonathanDailey.