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Building a Bloom book app

How to build an app with a bloom book as its content.

Before you build the app, you need to already have your Bloom book prepared. See Bloom book pages for more information.
Once in the app, click "New App" at the top left corner of the program.

Build An App

A new dialogue box will appear.


Follow the wizard through all the steps. When you get to the "Book Type" page, choose "Bloom books".

Book Type

The wizard will then bring up all of the Bloom books in your Bloom book library. 

Bloom Book Library

Select the books you want to add. I only have one in my library, but more than one at a time is possible. Then click next. 

Continue following the steps of the wizard. When you have finished, you will have a new app with your book(s) already in the app. 

Bloom Book In App

You may now make any necessary adjustments or sychronize audio files. When you have finished personalizing the app, click "Build App". 

Build App

Contributors to this page: Emily .
Page last modified on Friday September 14, 2018 15:11:36 GMT-0000 by Emily.