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FLEx Session 1 - Adding, Finding, Merging


Opening FLEx

To start FLEx, do the following

  • On the Desktop, click Language Explorer icon.

The FieldWorks Language Explorer workspace appears.

  • On File menu, point to Project Management and click Backup and Restore.

The Backup and Restore dialog box appears.

  • Click the Restore tab. Then select the appropriate Simple backup file to restore and click Start Restore.

From now on Language Explorer opens the last project you closed.

Areas of FLEx

FLEx is organized in four areas: LexiconTexts & WordsGrammar and Lists. To access any of the four areas, just click the icon. They are on the left panel of the work space

In each area there is a different list of views. The list of views is displayed on the left panel of the workspace.

Lexicon Area


Lexicon Edit View

The Lexicon Edit view is the most fundamental view. The left side is a tabular browse view with lexical entries in rows. The right side is the edit pane with one entry at a time. Selecting an entry in the browse pane moves you to that entry in the edit pane.

Have the participants locate the entry fox.

Adding an entry

  • On the Insert menu, click Entry.

The New Entry dialog box appears.

  • In the Lexeme Form box, type box.

In the Gloss box, type container.

In the Category box, select Noun.

Click Create.

The entry has been added.

  • Type Crtrl + E.

In the Lexeme Form box, type heat.

In the Gloss box, type to make hot.

In the Category box, select Verb.

Click Create.

The entry has been added.

  • Click Create a lexicon entry icon in the toolbar.

In the Lexeme Form box, type big.

In the Gloss box, type large.

In the Category box, select Adjective.

Click Create.

The entry has been added.

Have the participants add queen - female ruler - noun.

Have the participants add bill - statement of charges - noun.

Have the participants add strain - sieve - verb.

Have the participants add bit - mouthpiece - noun.

  • On the Insert menu, click Entry. (Ctrl-E)

The New Entry dialog box appears.

  • In the Lexeme Form box, type break.

Note that there exists a similar entry.

  • Click on Go to similar entry.

The break entry is displayed

* Show Undo (edit definition, edit gloss, undo…)

Finding an entry

  • On the Edit menu, click Find lexical entry. (Ctrl-F)

The Find Lexical Entry dialog box appears.

  • In the Find box, type brig.

Note that as you type, the program searches for possible entries.

  • In the Lexical Entries area, select bright. Then click Go To.

The bright entry is displayed.

  • On the Edit menu, click Find lexical entry. (Ctrl-F)

The Find Lexical Entry dialog box appears.

  • In the Find box, type ba.

Note that as you type, the program searches for possible entries.

  • In the Lexical Entries area, select bark. Then click Go To.

The bark entry is displayed.

Have the participants find bring, wood and head.

  • To move to other entries in the browse pane, you can do one of the following.
  • On the Data menu, click First Record to go to the first record in the list.
  • On the Data menu, click Previous Record to go to the previous record in the list.
  • On the Data menu, click Next Record to go to the next record in the list.
  • On the Data menu, click Last Record to go to the last record in the list.

Have the participants practice this.

Adding a sense

  • Find the wood entry.
  • In the Insert menu, click Sense.

A second sense has been added to the edit pane.

  • In the Gloss box, type lumber.

In the Definition box, type Fibrous substance used for furniture, buildings etc.

  • Find the big entry.
  • In the Insert menu, click Sense.

A second sense has been added to the edit pane.

  • In the Gloss box, type important.

In the Definition box, type prominent.

Have the participants find ring and add a second sense call - make phone call.

Have the participants find bit and add a second sense tool part - the cutting part of a tool.


Homographs (totally unrelated meanings) require separate entries, even though they have the same spelling: Fox example, bank that is an establishment for the custody, loan, exchange, or issue of money and bank that is the rising ground bordering a lake, river, or sea or forming the edge of a cut or hollow.

  • On the Insert menu, click Entry.

The New Entry dialog box appears.

  • In the Lexeme Form box, type bank.

In the Gloss box, type river edge.

In the Category box, select Noun.

The entry is added. There are now two entries for bank.

  • In the edit pane, type rising ground bordering a lake, river, or sea as the definition.

Have the participants add a new entry ring as a homograph with the following info: jewellery - circular metal band worn on the finger.

Have the participants add a new entry bit as a homograph with the following info: a piece - a small piece or quaitity.

  • On the Edit menu, click Delete Record.

The Delete Entry dialog box appears.

  • Do one of the following
  • Click Delete to delete the entry
  • Click Cancel to change your mind.

Have the participants create an entry and then delete it.

Field Context menu

In the edit pane, the section headings and fields have context menus associated with them. Click on the section heading, a blue downward arrow appears. Click on the blue downward arrow, the context sensitive menu appears. You may also right-click the section heading to display the context sensitive menu..

Merging entries

  • Go to entry head 2.
  • In the Tools menu, click Merge with Entry to merge head entries into one entry (head2 into head1).
  • Add a new entry: bright - smart - adjective.

Have the participants merge cross 1 and 2 entries.

Have the participants merge bright 1 and 2 entries.

Merging/Moving Senses

  • Go to entry cross 1
  • In Sense 2 context menu, click Merge sense into.
  • Select angry and click Merge. The senses are merged.
  • Edit gloss to remove annoyed.

Have the participants merge the senses in the entry bring.

  • Go to entry duck.
  • In Sense Context menu, click Move sense into a new entry.

Two duck entries appear.

Add the gloss lower to duck.

Have the participants make a new entry for one of the senses of mug.

Have the participants make a new entry for one of the senses of bright.

Move sense to another entry.

  • Do one of the following.
  • In Window menu, click New Window. Size each window to half of screen. Then Move sense 2 of cross1 into cross 2 using gloss field.
  • Move sense to a new entry and then merge.

Have the participants move sense 2 of sound2 into sound1

Hidden fields

Most of the fields are hidden from view.

  • To show hidden fields, select Show Hidden Fields checkbox.
  • To hide hidden fields, clear Show Hidden Fields checkbox.
  • To change field display, right-click the field you want to change and then on the context sensitive menu, point to Field Visibility, and click Always visibleNormally hidden, unless non-empty or Normally hidden.

Have the participants change Summary definition field to Normally hidden and change Pronunciation field to Normally hidden, unless non-empty and change Date Modified as Always Visible

Getting help

There are extensive help facilities within FLEx:

  • On the Help menu, click Language Explorer.

When using this option, it can be most effective to use the Search or Index tabs.

The Index tab is like searching through the index of a book.

The Search tab is like searching through every word in the book. This is useful for help on obscure topics.

The Contents tab is a table of contents.

Every dialog box and every field has a help option, which accesses the help topic for that very item.

  • On the Help menu, click Resources.

Additional materials covering more technical issues are found here.

  • On the Help menu, click Demo Movies.

This is good for quick overview and for showing someone else.

In general, menu options and toolbar buttons display a brief description when you hover the mouse over them.


Contributors to this page: sewhite .
Page last modified on Tuesday July 16, 2013 14:28:22 GMT-0000 by sewhite.