
Paratext_8_1-2_Bible Abbreviations

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Three letter abbreviations

Old Testament[Genesis] [GEN] [Exodus] [EXO] [Leviticus] [LEV]
[Numbers] (NUM) [Deuteronomy] (DEU) [Joshua] [JOS]
[Judges] (JDG) Ruth [RUT] 1 Samuel [1SA]
2 Samuel [2SA] [1 Kings] [1KI] [2 Kings] [2KI]
[1 Chronicles] [1CH] [2 Chronicles] [2CH] [Ezra] [EZR]
[Nehemiah] [NEH] Esther [EST] Job [JOB]
[Psalms] [PSA] [Proverbs] [PRO] [Ecclesiastes] (ECC)
Song of Songs] [SNG] [Isaiah] [ISA] [Jeremiah] [JER]
Lamentations [LAM] [Ezekiel] [EZK] Daniel [DAN]
[Hosea] [HOS] Joël [JOL] Amos [AMO]
[Obadiah] (OBA) [Jonah] (JON) [Micah] (MIC)
[Nahum] (NAM) [Habakkuk] [HAB] [Zephaniah] [ZEP]
[Haggai] [HAG] [Zechariah] [ZEC] [Malachi] [MAL]
New Testament[Matthew] [MAT] [Mark] [MRK] [Luke] [LUK]
[John] [JHN] [Acts] [ACT] [Romans] [ROM]
[1 Corinthians] [1CO] [2 Corinthians] [2CO] [Galatians] [GAL]
[Ephesians] [EPH] [Philippians] (PHP Colossians (COL)
[1 Thessalonians] (1TH) [2 Thessalonians] (2TH) [1 Timothy] (1TI)
[2 Timothy] (2TI) [Titus] (TIT) [Philemon] (PHM)
[Hebrews] (HEB) [James] (JAS) [1 Peter] (1PE)
[2 Peter] (2PE) [1 John] (1JN) [2 John] (2JN)
[3 John] (3JN) Jude (JUD) [Revelation] (REV)

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Contributors to this page: matthew_lee .
Page last modified on Sunday October 6, 2024 13:24:21 GMT-0000 by matthew_lee.


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