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Render Windows Environment Setup

Before installing Render on new project computers, it is important to set up an environment that will provide stability and avoid disruptions while the project is running. Render strives to promote simplicity and ease work since it was built with the assumption that translators are not computer savvy. Therefore, setting up a pre-configured working environment eliminates curiosity or dangerous changes that could otherwise disrupt the project progress. The steps provided in this guide are BEST PRACTISES and not necessarily mandatory for each project setup.

The initial steps are to set up the Windows environment before the install are as below..

  1. Remove any Blot Ware
  2. Stop any unnecessary pop-up messages if any
  3. Update the computer OS and drivers with necessary security patches (that includes the BIOS updates)
  4. Create a favorable computer name and rename the computers. For instance, computers meant for a project called Konongo can be named to KON-TRN1 (Translator 1), KON-TRN2 (Translator2), KON-BT (Back Translator)etc.
  5. Create two user accounts.
    1. One should be an administrator account.
    2. The other is a standard user. This is will prevent standard project users from installing Render updates or change settings that might interfere with Render. Accounts MUST be protected with different passwords.
  6. Test all peripherals like headsets, USB flash drive, LAN router etc. to ensure compatibility with Windows.
  7. It is advisable to have computer maintenance work on Render and Windows done by a technically knowledgable person.

Contributors to this page: David_Oandah .
Page last modified on Monday March 11, 2019 13:03:28 GMT-0000 by David_Oandah.