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Flex 3 Session Four

FLEx Session 4 – Writing Systems and Project


Concepts & Terminology

  • Start FLEx.
  • On the File menu, click Open.

The Open Project dialog box appears

  • In the Choose a Project box, select Sena 3.

Font & Keyboard

  • On the File menu, point to Project Management and then click FieldWorks Project Properties.

The FieldWorks Project Properties dialog box appears.

  • Click Writing Systems tab. Explore.
  • Different writing systems.
  • Can be configured.
  • Language - need to tell programs which language data is, so the data is saved in the right places, kept separate appropriately - not mixed up: which glosses are Portuguese and which are English.
  • Single language can be written in more than one script - e.g. phonetically (IPA) or orthographically. E.g. Normal English different letter characters from IPA English, (cat vs kæt).
  • Font - to display characters. Need font with characters you need.
  • Keyboard software - so you don't have to carry around extra physical keyboards. Allows you to edit/enter characters. Combines multiple keystrokes to produce special characters. FLEx changes the active keyboard mode for you so you can just type.
  • Writing system equals specific language + script.

Vernacular vs. Analysis

Distinction between the writing systems that are for the language you are researching (vernacular writing systems) and the languages in which you describe it and write up your analyses (analysis writing systems).

Add a second writing system for Sena called Sena (phonetic).

  • In the Writing Systems tab of the FieldWorks Project Properties dialog box, click Add.
  • Add writing system for Sena with keyboard Icelandic.

Setting up a keyboard

  • Setup keyboard. (C:\Program Files\SIL\FieldWorks\Keyboards\IPA\MSKLC)
  • Go to language bar
  • Right-click Settings.
  • Click Add to add dummy input language: (e.g. Icelandic, Polish or Faeroese) and (Keyman keyboard).
  • Click OK.
  • To add Keyman keyboard, in the Writing Systems tab of the FieldWorks Project Properties dialog box, select Sena and click Modify.

Click Keyboard tab. In System Language box, enter dummy language. In Keyman keyboard box, select a keyman keyboard.

  • To add a new writing system, in the Writing Systems tab of the FieldWorks Project Properties dialog box, click Add

Creating a new FieldWorks project

  • On the File menu, click New FieldWorks Project.

The New FieldWorks Project dialog box appears.

  • In the Name the project box, type Test. In the Analysis language writing system box, select French. In the vernacular language writing system area, click Define New.

The Writing System Wizard appears.

  • Complete the wizard.

The New FieldWorks Project dialog box reappears.

  • Click OK.
  • Add a sample entry to check it is working.
  • Then delete the project.


The styles are at project level.

  • On the File menu, click Open.

The Open Project dialog box appears

  • In the Choose a Project box, select Sena 3.
  • On the Format menu, click Styles.

The Styles dialog box appears.

  • In the Styles box, select Normal.
  • Click Font tab, set Size to 14 and Color to Blue. Then Click OK.

Note the results.

Change it back

  • Click Font tab, set Writing System to Portuguese and Color to Plum. Then Click OK.

Note the results.

  • Change it back.

Have the participants change normal style to size 11, change Dictionary-Normal style to green size 12 and change Dictionary-Headword style to gold.

Have the participants change Portuguese to pink size 11 and to Andika Basic.

Backup and Restore

  • On the File menu, point to Project Management and then click Backup and Restore.

The Backup and Restore dialog box appears.

  • In the projects to back up list, select Sena 3 check box and clear all others. Click Browse to navigate to the appropriate destination. Then click Start Backup
  • Make a change to the data.
  • On the File menu, point to Project Management and then click Backup and Restore.

The Backup and Restore dialog box appears.

  • Click Restore tab.
  • In Project list, select Sena 3. Then in Version list, select the most recent version.

The Restore Options dialog box appears.

  • Select Replace the current version with the backup version. And then click Restore.

The backup copy is restored.

Here is some useful information.

  • Going back to earlier version as major “undo”.
  • Hard-drive failure. (Back-up must be stored externally.)
  • Move project to another computer (new computer or colleague taking over).
  • Reminders
  • Scheduler runs even if FieldWorks is not running.

Set up the 1700 SILCAWL for a new language

  • Set up a new project for the language you want to work on.
  • Add the writing system(s) for your language.
  • Add an IPA writing system for the same language.
  • Import the SILCAWL.lift file from Import > Lift.
  • Hide the irrelevant Analysis languages. In this database glosses are available in English, French, Swahili, Hausa, Hausa (CL), etc.)
  • Arrange the Entries and Entry pane so the irrelevant fields are hidden. This needs to be done according to your needs. (Type in any character into the Pronunciation field to make the Tone field appear.)

Use the IPA writing system for the phonetic fields.

Eventually use the Vernacular (non-IPA for orthography).


Contributors to this page: sewhite .
Page last modified on Tuesday July 16, 2013 14:32:33 GMT-0000 by sewhite.