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Printing or exporting pages to PDF or Word

To print, or copy one of these wiki pages into Word or export into PDF, do the following:

When you are viewing (not editing) the page, click on the three dots at the top right of the page area, and select Print


This will bring up the page in a preview type view that shows just the page, without the right hand column of links. You can copy this text and paste into Word to get a Word doc. You can also print using your browser's print command. 


 If you would like PDF format, you can paste into Word then save as PDF, or you can install a utility like PDFCreator or PrimoPDF that adds making PDFs as one of your printer options. Then do the page action, print, and select your PDF making utility as the "printer." 

Contributors to this page: sewhite .
Page last modified on Thursday November 5, 2015 19:22:18 GMT-0000 by sewhite.