

  • koromfeadvisor2

    I ordered TW+French resources, but I when I try to access French commentaries I get the message "you don't have a license for this resource." What is wrong?
    • matthew_lee

      I'm sorry it's not working for you. The folks here at LT.net don't have access to fix the problem. From your description, I don't know if the issue is authorization, download, a specific resource, or process-related. Try posting a message on https://faithlife.com/sil-translators-workplace/activity ; there are staff there who can help you. Make sure you mention to them the specific resource(s) you can't access, that will help.
      ~Matthew Lee
      (One of the LT admins.)

      • matthew_lee

        Oh, I see that you have posted there. Please try to describe the problem more fully on the other site (specific resource or collection, have downloading and indexing completed, etc.), and I'll see if I can nudge someone to respond.


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