
Last Changes

Date Page Action User Comment Action
Session 11: Google Drive File Stream Updated David_Oandah
BCS-Windows Updated cricepng
Session 11: Google Drive File Stream Updated David_Oandah img Plugin modified by editor.
Session 11: Google Drive File Stream Updated David_Oandah
Basic Computer Skills Updated kent_schroeder Fix
Taste and See Updated lt_asia
Taste and See Updated lt_asia
Windows 10 Teaching Module Plan Form Renamed cricepng
Windows 10 Teaching Module Plan Form Created cricepng
Taste and See Updated lt_asia
Session 11: Google Drive File Stream Updated David_Oandah
Basic Computer Skills Updated kent_schroeder update link
Basic Computer Skills Updated kent_schroeder
Session 11: Google Drive File Stream Created David_Oandah
Session 11: Google Drive File Stream Renamed David_Oandah
Taste and See Created lt_asia
Taste and See Renamed lt_asia
Applying a Project Plan to an Existin... Updated JFFRYS img Plugin modified by editor.
Applying a Project Plan to an Existin... Updated JFFRYS img Plugin modified by editor.
Applying a Project Plan to an Existin... Updated JFFRYS
Applying a Project Plan to an Existin... Updated JFFRYS img Plugin modified by editor.
Applying a Project Plan to an Existin... Updated JFFRYS
Advanced Unicode handling Created sewhite
Advanced Unicode handling Renamed sewhite
Foo Created system created from structure


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All content on this LingTranSoft wiki are by SIL International are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.