
Last Changes

Date Page Action User Comment Action
Explainer Videos Updated kent_schroeder new entry
HearThis Updated kent_schroeder update
Dictionary App Builder Updated kent_schroeder
Dekereke Updated kent_schroeder update
Dekereke Updated kent_schroeder update
Dekereke Updated kent_schroeder
Dekereke Updated kent_schroeder update
Dekereke Updated kent_schroeder init
Webinars Updated kent_schroeder add link
Webinars Updated kent_schroeder update
Scripture Forge Renamed system created from structure
Scripture Forge Created system created from structure
Oral Translation Renamed system created from structure
Oral Translation Created system created from structure
Others Renamed system created from structure
Others Created system created from structure
Scripture Use Renamed system created from structure
Scripture Use Created system created from structure
Keyboards and Fonts Renamed system created from structure
Keyboards and Fonts Created system created from structure
Africa Kenya Workshops(LTCT) Updated kent_schroeder add link
Africa Kenya Workshops(LTCT) Updated kent_schroeder add link
Africa Kenya Workshops(LTCT) Renamed system created from structure
Africa Kenya Workshops(LTCT) Created system created from structure
PTXprint Training Workshop Updated kent_schroeder update
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All content on this LingTranSoft wiki are by SIL International are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.