
Last Changes

Date Page Action User Comment Action
Foo Renamed system created from structure
test Created system created from structure
test Renamed system created from structure
Proactive Software Training Updated keyesk
Applying a Project Plan to an Existin... Created JFFRYS
Applying a Project Plan to an Existin... Renamed JFFRYS
Adding Images Updated sewhite
Adding Images Updated sewhite img Plugin modified by editor.
Adding Images Updated sewhite img Plugin modified by editor.
Adding Images Updated sewhite
Building a talking book Updated dhigby files Plugin modified by editor.
Building a talking book Updated dhigby
Building a talking book Created dhigby
Building a talking book Renamed dhigby
A6 Getting Started Updated dhigby
A6 Getting Started Updated dhigby
Keyboard Ideas and Samples Updated matthew_lee
Keyboard Ideas and Samples Updated matthew_lee
LTCT Evaluation 2020 Created kent_schroeder init
LTCT Evaluation 2020 Renamed kent_schroeder init
Review Time 2020 Created kent_schroeder Init
Review Time 2020 Renamed kent_schroeder Init
Responsibilities 2020 Updated kent_schroeder Fix
Responsibilities 2020 Created kent_schroeder Init
Responsibilities 2020 Renamed kent_schroeder Init


Creative Commons License
All content on this LingTranSoft wiki are by SIL International are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.