
Last Changes

Date Page Action User Comment Action
Keyboard Ideas and Samples Updated Den
Keyboard Ideas and Samples Updated Den
Keyboard Ideas and Samples Created Den
Keyboard Ideas and Samples Renamed Den
4 Physical Keyboard Programming Created dhigby
4 Physical Keyboard Programming Renamed dhigby
2 Physical Keyboard Layout Design Created dhigby
2 Physical Keyboard Layout Design Renamed dhigby
Old Keyman Developer Course Created dhigby
Old Keyman Developer Course Renamed dhigby
2017 Africa Nairobi Updated kent_schroeder
2017 Africa Nairobi Updated kent_schroeder
2017 Africa Nairobi Updated kent_schroeder
Bloom 4 Updated kent_schroeder
Bloom Training Updated kent_schroeder
Notebooks Updated Kim_Blewett
Notebooks Updated Kim_Blewett Added information for low power consumption laptops in late 2019.
Mobile Keyboard tutorial Updated dhigby Inline editor update
Mobile Keyboard tutorial Updated dhigby img Plugin modified by editor.
Mobile Keyboard tutorial Updated dhigby img Plugin modified by editor.
Mobile Keyboard tutorial Updated dhigby
Paratext 9 Overview Updated dhigby
Paratext 9 Overview Updated dhigby img Plugin modified by editor.
Paratext 9 Overview Updated sewhite
Paratext 9 Overview Updated sewhite


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All content on this LingTranSoft wiki are by SIL International are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.