
Last Changes

Date Page Action User Comment Action
How to Modify a Keyman Keyboard Created dhigby
How to Modify a Keyman Keyboard Renamed dhigby
Keyman Developer 11 Created dhigby
Keyman Developer 11 Renamed dhigby
Review Time 2019 Updated kent_schroeder
Morning Sharing Time Updated fbarah Inline editor update
ParatextPatches Updated Jenni Beadle
ParatextPatches Updated Jenni Beadle
ParatextPatches Updated Jenni Beadle code Plugin modified by editor.
ParatextPatches Updated Jenni Beadle
ParatextPatches Created Jenni Beadle
ParatextPatches Renamed Jenni Beadle
Paratext Supporters Updated dhigby
Paratext Supporters Updated dhigby
Paratext Supporters Updated dhigby
Paratext Supporters Updated dhigby
Review Time 2019 Updated kent_schroeder
LTCT2016 RegExp Updated dhigby Inline editor update
LTCT2016 RegExp Updated dhigby code Plugin modified by editor.
LTCT2016 RegExp Updated dhigby
LTCT2016 RegExp Updated dhigby code Plugin modified by editor.
LTCT2016 RegExp Updated dhigby
LTCT2016 RegExp Updated dhigby code Plugin modified by editor.
LTCT2016 RegExp Updated dhigby
Regular Expressions Updated dhigby


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All content on this LingTranSoft wiki are by SIL International are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.