
Last Changes

Date Page Action User Comment Action
Webinars Updated dhigby
Webinars Created dhigby
Webinars Renamed dhigby
LingTranSoft Wiki Updated james_post
Adapt-It Tutorials Updated Erik Brommers Add links to Adapt It tutorial videos on Vimeo
Keyman Developer 16 Tutorial Updated dhigby
Keyman Developer 16 Tutorial Updated dhigby Removed all Word html garbage
Keyman Developer 16 Tutorial Updated dhigby
Keyman Developer 16 Tutorial Updated dhigby
Keyman Developer 16 Tutorial Updated dhigby
Keyman Developer 16 Tutorial Updated dhigby
Voice Marking Tools Updated Den Updated tools to handle "Jesus (child)"
Voice Marking Tools Updated Den
Dictionary App Builder Updated dhigby
Dictionary App Builder Created dhigby
Dictionary App Builder Renamed dhigby
Paratext Tips and Tricks Updated sewhite update to Tortoise HG section
Submit a Bible Module Updated dhigby
Bible-Module-Repository Updated dhigby
Bible-Module-Repository Updated dhigby
Submit a Bible Module Created dhigby
Submit a Bible Module Renamed dhigby
Bible-Module-Repository Updated dhigby
Bible-Module-Repository Updated dhigby
Bible-Module-Repository Updated dhigby


Creative Commons License
All content on this LingTranSoft wiki are by SIL International are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.