
Last Changes

Date Page Action User Comment Action
Paratext 7.5 Course 2 Updated dhigby
Paratext 7.5 Course 2 Updated dhigby
Creating an Unregistered Project Updated amy_bate
Add a Big Book to a collection Updated JonathanDailey
Adding Audio to Your Books Created nathanduhe
Adding Audio to Your Books Renamed nathanduhe
5 Publishing in Bloom Updated nathanduhe
Add a Big Book to a collection Updated nathanduhe
Add a Big Book to a collection Created nathanduhe
Add a Big Book to a collection Renamed nathanduhe
scos Updated BChap
scos Updated BChap Inline editor update
scos Updated BChap Inline editor update
Notebooks Updated BChap
Creating an Unregistered Project Created amy_bate
Creating an Unregistered Project Renamed amy_bate
scos Updated BChap Inline editor update
Notebooks Updated BChap Inline editor update
Notebooks Updated BChap
scos Updated BChap Inline editor update
scos Updated BChap Inline editor update
Notebooks Updated BChap Inline editor update
scos Updated BChap Inline editor update
scos Updated BChap Inline editor update
scos Updated BChap Inline editor update


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All content on this LingTranSoft wiki are by SIL International are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.