
Last Changes

Date Page Action User Comment Action
Paratext_8_3-6_Chad Created matthew_lee
Paratext_8_3-6_Chad Renamed matthew_lee
Paratext_8_3-6_BibleBooks Updated matthew_lee
Paratext_8_3-6_BibleBooks Created matthew_lee
Paratext_8_3-6_BibleBooks Renamed matthew_lee
Paratext_8_3-6_SpecText Created matthew_lee
Paratext_8_3-6_SpecText Renamed matthew_lee
Paratext_8_3-6_Stage6 Created matthew_lee
Paratext_8_3-6_Stage6 Renamed matthew_lee
Paratext_8_3-6_Stage5 Created matthew_lee
Paratext_8_3-6_Stage5 Renamed matthew_lee
Paratext_8_3-6_Stage4 Created matthew_lee
Paratext_8_3-6_Stage4 Renamed matthew_lee
Paratext_8_3-6_Stage3 Created matthew_lee
Paratext_8_3-6_Stage3 Renamed matthew_lee
Paratext_8_3-6_Intro Created matthew_lee
Paratext_8_3-6_Intro Renamed matthew_lee
Paratext 8 Stages 3 to 6 Updated matthew_lee
Paratext 8 Stages 3 to 6 Updated matthew_lee
Paratext 8 Stages 3 to 6 Updated matthew_lee
Paratext 8 Stages 3 to 6 Updated matthew_lee
PT12USFM Created matthew_lee
PT12USFM Renamed matthew_lee
PT8-Chad Created matthew_lee
PT8-Chad Renamed matthew_lee


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