
Last Changes

Date Page Action User Comment Action
Course program 2017 Updated kent_schroeder add link
Paratext 8 - CRC Updated kent_schroeder
Paratext 8 - CRC Created kent_schroeder Init
Paratext 8 - CRC Renamed kent_schroeder Init
Course program 2017 Updated kent_schroeder add link
Setup Project Plan Created kent_schroeder Init
Setup Project Plan Renamed kent_schroeder Init
Course program 2017 Updated kent_schroeder update
Course program 2017 Updated kent_schroeder update topics
Bible Modules Updated dhigby
Bible Modules Updated dhigby
LingTranSoft Wiki Updated dhigby
Example Modules Updated dhigby
Example Modules Updated dhigby
Bible Modules Updated dhigby
Bible Modules Updated dhigby
Bible Modules Updated dhigby
Bible Modules Updated dhigby
Paratext 8 Stages 3 to 6 Updated matthew_lee
Paratext 8 Stages 1 and 2 Updated matthew_lee
Paratext Updated matthew_lee
Paratext 8 Stages 1 and 2 Updated matthew_lee
Paratext 8 Course Manuals Updated matthew_lee
Paratext 8 Stages 3 to 6 Created matthew_lee
Paratext 8 Stages 3 to 6 Renamed matthew_lee


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All content on this LingTranSoft wiki are by SIL International are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.