
Last Changes

Date Page Action User Comment Action
Segment sound file for annotation Created JonathanDailey
Segment sound file for annotation Renamed JonathanDailey
Convert Media Created JonathanDailey
Convert Media Renamed JonathanDailey
Add a session Created JonathanDailey
Add a session Renamed JonathanDailey
Add a person Updated JonathanDailey
Add a person Created JonathanDailey
Add a person Renamed JonathanDailey
Use Help Menus Updated JonathanDailey
Use Help Menus Created JonathanDailey
Use Help Menus Renamed JonathanDailey
Completing Project Information Updated JonathanDailey
Completing Project Information Updated JonathanDailey
Completing Project Information Created JonathanDailey
Completing Project Information Renamed JonathanDailey
SayMore Updated JonathanDailey
Example Modules Updated mjpenny
Help, send and receive is not working! Updated sewhite
5 Taking notes during checking Updated sewhite
Attaching files Updated Parsley
Attaching files Updated Parsley
Attaching files Updated Parsley
Paratext 7.5 Course and Handbook Updated James Post (LSS Office)
Paratext 7.5 Course 3 Updated James Post (LSS Office)


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All content on this LingTranSoft wiki are by SIL International are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.