
Last Changes

Date Page Action User Comment Action
Troubleshooting Modules Updated matthew_lee
Troubleshooting Modules Updated matthew_lee
Troubleshooting Modules Updated matthew_lee
Example Modules Updated matthew_lee
Example Modules Created matthew_lee
Example Modules Renamed matthew_lee
Troubleshooting Modules Updated matthew_lee
Troubleshooting Modules Created matthew_lee Creation
Troubleshooting Modules Renamed matthew_lee Creation
How to use Bible Modules in Paratext Created dddrymon
How to use Bible Modules in Paratext Renamed dddrymon
Turn off Logos internet use when visi... Created sewhite
Turn off Logos internet use when visi... Renamed sewhite
Scripture App Builder -- non-Scriptur... Updated sewhite This need is better handled by Reading App Builder
The Consultant - Advisor Updated BChap
Scrolling with other Translation Prog... Updated sewhite Image Plugin modified by editor.
Scrolling with other Translation Prog... Updated sewhite Image Plugin modified by editor.
Scrolling with other Translation Prog... Updated sewhite
scos Updated BChap
Notebooks Updated BChap
Notebooks Updated BChap
Notebooks Updated BChap
Tablets Updated BChap
Tablets Updated BChap
Tablets Updated BChap


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All content on this LingTranSoft wiki are by SIL International are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.