
Last Changes

Date Page Action User Comment Action
General Created system created from structure
General Renamed system created from structure
Translation Created system created from structure
Translation Renamed system created from structure
Literacy Created system created from structure
Literacy Renamed system created from structure
Linguistics Created system created from structure
Linguistics Renamed system created from structure
Arts Created system created from structure
Arts Renamed system created from structure
Anthropology Created system created from structure
Anthropology Renamed system created from structure
Language Learning Created system created from structure
Language Learning Renamed system created from structure
Sociolinguistics Created System Administrator
Sociolinguistics Renamed System Administrator
scos Updated BChap Added Section with Link to child page: "Basic Electricity"
Basic Electricity Created BChap Started a child page for "Basic Electricity"
Basic Electricity Renamed BChap Started a child page for "Basic Electricity"
scos Updated BChap
Transition from TWFolio Updated jjagt
Transition from TWFolio Updated jjagt
Transition from TWFolio Updated sewhite
Transition from TWFolio Updated sewhite
Transition from TWFolio Updated sewhite Image Plugin modified by editor.


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All content on this LingTranSoft wiki are by SIL International are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.