
Last Changes

Date Page Action User Comment Action
Import TXT or Word DOC Files into Par... Updated sewhite updating URL
Add a language to LibreOffice Updated sewhite old writeup with dead link removed.
Modeling-Bantu-Noun-Classes Updated Andy Black
Scripture Forge: Translation Suggestions Updated dhigby
Scripture Forge: Translation Suggestions Updated kent_schroeder
Scripture Forge: Translation Suggestions Updated kent_schroeder
Scripture Forge: Translation Suggestions Updated james_post
Scripture Forge: Translation Suggestions Updated james_post
Scripture Forge: Translation Suggestions Updated james_post
Scripture Forge: Translation Suggestions Updated james_post
Scripture Forge: Translation Suggestions Updated james_post
Scripture Forge: Translation Suggestions Updated james_post
Scripture Forge: Translation Suggestions Updated james_post
Scripture Forge: Translation Suggestions Updated james_post
Scripture Forge: Translation Suggestions Updated james_post
Scripture Forge: Translation Suggestions Updated james_post
Scripture Forge: Translation Suggestions Updated james_post
Scripture Forge: Translation Suggestions Updated james_post
Scripture Forge: Translation Suggestions Updated james_post
Scripture Forge: Translation Suggestions Updated james_post
Scripture Forge: Translation Suggestions Updated james_post
Scripture Forge: Translation Suggestions Updated james_post
Scripture Forge: Translation Suggestions Updated james_post
Scripture Forge: Translation Suggestions Updated james_post
Scripture Forge: Translation Suggestions Updated james_post


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All content on this LingTranSoft wiki are by SIL International are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.